News and Announcements

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2024)

An exposition on Para Bhakti or supreme devotion based on lives of Krishna devotees and experiences of Sai devotees.

Guru Poornima 2024 Study Guide

Study guide for the happy occasion of Guru Poornima 2024

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2024)

The greatest gifts that only God’s grace can confer come from following the master and fighting till the end.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2024)

True Aradhana or worship is when we use our worldly wealth, resources, and talents in the service of the Lord and the service of society.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2024)

The mother is considered as the first God for everyone. Without pleasing her, one cannot please God.

Featured Articles

The Love of Krishna for Those Devoted to Him

He held no weapon Himself; but He brought about the annihilation of the enemies and proclaimed before the world the magnificence of the path of dharma, which the Pandava brothers adhered to.

Repetition of God’s Name

Repetition of the name erases the thought of the symptoms from the mind, and when they no longer exist in the mind, they no longer persist in the body.

Sri Satya Sai International Conference - Nairobi, Kenya | June 28 - July 1, 2024

Devotees from all over the world convened in Nairobi, Kenya to further the mission of SAI (Service, Illumination and Adoration).

SSSIO Annual Report for 2023

Summary of Worldwide Educational, Service, and Spiritual Activities of the SSSIO in 2023

1 Million Steps To Swami

A ‘New’ Sadhana Based on the Eternal Concepts of Love and Service

The Calling and the Calling Card

And then He pointed His fingers toward Himself, swept them up and down, and said, “The Omnipresent!”

King meets the King of Kings

Love is His greatest miracle, and when we offer our hearts to Him, we experience His love even today.

The Transformative Power of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values

A conference in Barbados attracts Caribbean government officials and educators.

Seva Saves

Serving others is something that I learned directly from Swami, for He exemplified it throughout His life.

Educare Is True Education

Sri Sathya Sai Baba's discourse on November 20, 2001, at the First Conference of Sathya Sai Schools.