Past Sai Messages for the Day
Saturday, May 18, 2024
All that relates to the body is temporary and transient. What one should seek is enduring bliss. Happiness is a union with God. Buddha prescribed five duties: good vision, good thoughts, listening to good things, good speech, and good actions. These five-fold duties constitute true sadhana (spiritual practice).
Friday, May 17, 2024
The Lord is not swayed by wealth or scholarship, power, or position. Love alone can move God. If you wish to sway the Lord, you must offer love and love alone. Today unfortunately love has become scarce. Even material love is disappearing. But God’s love is boundless. In whatever manner you may love God, God responds in equal measure.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
The human body acquires its sacredness because it is the abode of the divine. The Gita refers to the body as a Kshetra (sacred field) and the divine indweller as the Kshetrajna (knower of the sacred field). Because of the body's sacredness, it should be used properly as an instrument of the divine.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Names and forms may be different, but all beings are part and parcel of the same divine principle. You may call this a handkerchief. You may call this a robe. But both are made of cotton. Likewise, divinity is the underlying principle in the apparent multiplicity of this world.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Knowledge of the Self cannot be obtained by studying scriptures, from preceptors, or by the grace of great men. The Self (Brahman) cannot be seen in the external world. It should be experienced in one's heart. It is a mark of ignorance to seek the Self in the outside world.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Speaking truth is a supreme virtue for all people, anywhere. In any circumstance, one should adhere to the truth. Truth is God incarnate. Righteousness should accompany one like a shadow. You can achieve anything in life when you have truth and righteousness as your guiding stars. All powers are inherent in these two virtues.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Education that does not facilitate inquiry into one's Self is not education! It will only lead to agitation! Mere book reading does not constitute education. Book reading contributes only to acquiring bookish knowledge, which is artificial knowledge. Real knowledge comes out of the heart.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Spiritual practices such as chanting God’s name (japa) and penance (tapas) will not yield the desired result unless you recognize the principle of unity. Understand that the mind is most important. You should have a steady mind. Only then will your life be redeemed.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Every person, man, or woman, should respect their parents, install the divine in their hearts, and pray to God constantly. It is everyone's duty to bring a good name to one's parents. When the children are good, they bring a good name to the parents.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
And what exactly is liberation (moksha)? It is the release from grief, the absence of grief, and the attainment of spiritual bliss. The supreme Self, the sovereign Lord, is the embodiment of indivisible sweetness (rasa), the treasure house of bliss. Hence, those who seek and secure God’s grace gain eternal bliss.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Buddhi (intellect) is of two types. The buddhi that sees diversity in unity is worldly intelligence. One should develop spiritual intelligence (adhyatmic buddhi) to realize the underlying unity of all creation. It gives you the experience of the Atmic principle, which is the same in the entire creation.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
You can secure God's love by chanting the Lord's name. You should be grateful to your mother for endowing you with a body that enables you to chant the Lord's name.
Monday, May 6, 2024
The love of a mother is supreme. Only through the love of the mother do divine feelings develop in the children. There will surely be peace and prosperity where there is a mother of noble qualities. It is foolish to crave the love of other people, ignoring the love of one's mother. One should, therefore, revere and respect the mother and try to experience her love.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Every human being is born from the mother's womb. One is fostered by the mother's love and enjoys many things in life because of the mother. One enjoys all happiness in life because of the mother's love. Hence, there is no higher divinity than the mother.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Make all your actions conform to righteousness (dharma). Whatever you do, remembering God will get sanctified. See no evil; See what is good. Hear no evil; Hear what is good. Speak no evil; Speak what is good. Think no evil; Think what is good. Do no evil; Do what is good. This is the way to God.
Friday, May 3, 2024
One should develop faith in God. Without that faith, life will be meaningless. One can have no happiness or satisfaction in life without the grace of God.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Bereft of love, humanness has no existence. We should love all, irrespective of whether one is a pauper or a rich man. Money should not be the criterion for sharing love with your fellowmen. Money is not important. Money comes and goes, and morality comes and grows. Do not hurt others. Help ever, hurt never.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
There is no nobler quality in the world than love. It is wisdom. It is righteousness. It is wealth. It is truth. Everything is permeated with love. Everything in the cosmos arises from love, grows by love, and merges in love.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
If the name of the Lord is not recited in the proper spirit, of what use is all the spiritual practice? Faith is the primary requisite. Chanting the name endlessly without faith is utterly useless. Where there is faith, there is love. Where there is love, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is truth. Where there is truth, there is bliss. Where there is bliss, there is God.
Monday, April 29, 2024
What does unity mean? It is not the combination of many but the realization of oneness. When you have mirrors all around you, you see many reflections of yourself. These are all your different reflections. But this is not the truth. The one who asks the question and the one who replies are one and the same. All are one. God is in the form of a human being. The same divinity appears in many forms.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
You say, my body, my mind, my intellect (buddhi), my mind-stuff (chitta), then who are you? These are your instruments, and you are the master. If you fail to recognize that you are the master and choose to be their slave, you will never reach the goal. Become the master, and you achieve everything. Realizing these as your instruments is all that is spiritual discipline (sadhana).
Saturday, April 27, 2024
The Avatars come to teach humanity the principle of oneness so that they may get rid of the idea of diversity and manifest their inherent divinity, realizing their basic spiritual nature.
Friday, April 26, 2024
All things of this world - the transitory, the evanescent - are enveloped by the Lord, who is the true reality of each. Therefore, they must be used with reverence and renunciation and without covetousness or greed, for they belong to the Lord and not to anyone.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
There is a fire within a piece of firewood. It is only when the fire latent in it is brought out that it can be used for cooking. Likewise, everybody is like a piece of firewood. The atmic principle is latent within it; to make it manifest, you must practice love. Just as you must strike a matchbox to produce fire, love has to merge in love to experience the divine.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
One who has no spirit of sacrifice will be prey to all ills. One without love is a living corpse. It is love and sacrifice that make one divine. Love alone is the fruit of love. Love is its own witness. There is no trace of self-interest in it. Because love exists for its own sake, it has no fear. It is to teach humanity the way of love that Avatars come into the world.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
I am always in a state of bliss. Happiness is the very nature of the divine. What is the use of lamenting over anything? All things are passing clouds. Nothing lasts. Why, then, bewail over any loss? You should not bother about them. This is the teaching of the Avatar. Don't feel distressed over anything that may happen. Every pain is followed by some pleasure. Pleasure is an interval between two pains. It is on this basis that you should lead your lives.
Monday, April 22, 2024
The recitation of the Lord's names will help purify the atmosphere because of the sacred sound waves getting absorbed in the atmosphere. The power of sound waves is evident from the way radio waves are transmitted and received over long distances. The atmosphere that has been polluted by impure sound waves can be purified by the chanting of the name. Likewise, sacred thoughts, pure speech, and pure actions will purify the elements.
Sunday, April 21, 2024
We are unable to gain control over the mind because of these six inner enemies (desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy) coming our way. Is it not a fact that even the bright light of the moon on a full moon night is not visible if the clouds come in its way? The moment the clouds move away, the moon is visible. Similarly, you must constantly repeat the name of God (namasmarana) to drive away the clouds of these six inner enemies.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Love is the very form of God. Love is God. Live in love. Love is present in all. Even the person whom we think is wicked has love for his wife and children. If you have love in your heart, you will find love everywhere. If you love a dog or a cat, they will also reciprocate your love. You will not be afraid of even wild animals if you do not harm them. As is the feeling, so is the result. Everything depends on our feelings.
Friday, April 19, 2024
Search for bliss (Ananda), the bliss that emanates from love with no blemish of attachment. Be like bees hovering on the flower of the glory of the Lord, sucking the sweet nectar of grace silently and joyfully.