Friday, March 29, 2024
You must see, hear, study, observe, experience, and reflect; then only can you understand Me. You will learn that I am love (prema) itself; that I give only one thing, bliss (ananda), through love. My task is to distribute solace, courage, and peace.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Why worry about My origin, My nature, My mystery, My miracle? The basic thing is the hand, and the cup it holds is secondary. The supported is less important than the support, the basic reality, the pure existence. When you cannot reach down to your own basic reality, why waste time exploring the essence of godhead? As a matter of fact, you can understand Me only when you have understood yourself, your own basic truth.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Whoever has the enthusiasm, steadfastness, and determination to reach the goal will succeed. Cultivate that faith in ultimate success; never despair, cavil, or doubt. That is my advice to one and all. Success is your birthright, and you must get it sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
To a worldly person, a God-intoxicated person will appear mad, and the person will laugh at them for it. But to the God-intoxicated person, the worldly appear insane, foolish, misled, and blind. Of all the insanities that harass people, God-madness is the least harmful, the most beneficial. The world has suffered untold damage due to its "mad" rulers and "mad" guides, but nothing but harmony, peace, brotherliness, and love have come out of 'God-madness'!
Monday, March 25, 2024
Do not give room for the waywardness of the mind. Purify the mind and direct it towards the righteous path. It is a straight and narrow path. In the spiritual field there is no royal highway. The path is narrow because the goal is infinitely precious. Crowds may swarm at a fish market but only a few ventures into a diamond shop. The road to God is for the few who are genuine spiritual aspirants (sadhakas).
Sunday, March 24, 2024
There are three types of devotion. The bird method where, like a bird swooping down upon the ripe fruit on the tree, the devotee is too impatient and, by that very impatience, loses the fruit, which falls from their hold. The monkey method, where, like a monkey that pulls toward it one fruit after another and by sheer unsteadiness cannot decide which fruit it wants, the devotee hesitates, and changes aim much too often and thus loses all chances of success. The ant method, where like the ant that slowly but steadily proceeds toward the sweetness, the devotee moves directly, with undivided attention, toward the Lord and wins God’s grace!
Saturday, March 23, 2024
The truth is that divinity is all-pervading. After profound inquiry, the sages (rishis) discovered that God is the source of everything in creation. The sages compare the cosmos (jagat) to a seed. The husk envelops each grain. Only when the grain and the husk are together can the seed germinate. Likewise, in the cosmos, the inner grain is God, and the outer husk is nature (prakriti). The cosmos demonstrates the unity of God and nature. Nature is dependent on God, and God is the basis for nature.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Calamity, danger, and death cannot be avoided for all time; they are inevitable factors of life, and you must learn to live bravely with them. This can be accomplished only by uninterrupted prayer and not by spurts of worship caused by sudden fear. Purify your hearts and your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and speech; strengthen your nobler impulses.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Have high ideals. Strive to elevate yourselves. Strive for the highest goal, God. Whatever the obstacle or opposition, do not be disheartened. Give up the animal qualities in you, establish yourselves in human virtues, and proceed boldly to realize divinity.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Only when you are blessed with the grace of the Lord, which is earned by righteousness (dharma), can you have peace (shanti). A fish can have peace only when it has water above and below and on all sides; so, too, you must have God’s grace all around you. There is no shortcut to this grace and remembering the Lord’s name (namasmarana) is the safest route.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Who is a devotee, and how can you claim the privileges of that position? Unless you have unshakable faith, you do not deserve that name. If you are rooted in that faith, success is yours, without a doubt.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Immerse your mind in good thoughts, and the world will be good for you; soak it in bad thoughts, and the world will be bad for you. So, recollect only good, think, plan, and do only good, speak and act only good. Then, as a result, you will emulate God, the source of all good.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
All that you see may be called God. Nature is God. Energy is God. Nothing is God. But it is really not nothing; it is everything. In what you call everything, there is nothing. What you call nothing has everything. Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. Some say, "There is no God," but everything is in God.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
The earliest finding of the seekers was that the Sun was the most important factor in determining the daily lives of people and providing the basic requirements for living. Life would be impossible without the Sun for humans, beasts, birds, or plants. The Sun was regarded as the source of all energy and responsible for the birth, growth, and destruction of all things in creation. It was for this reason that sage Vishwamitra glorified the Sun God (Savitr) in the Gayatri mantra.
Friday, March 15, 2024
You can only claim to be educated or grown-up if you have mastered the science of self-control and destroyed the root cause of delusion. It is not this night alone that you should spend in the thought of Shiva; your whole life should be lived in the constant presence of the Lord.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
When we always fix our thoughts on the evil that others do, our mind gets polluted by the evil. When, on the contrary, we focus on the virtues or well-being of others, our mind is cleansed of wrong and entertains only good thoughts.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
You do not know how to make an ornament out of gold, so you give it to a goldsmith. Why worry if he melts it, beats it, pierces it, pulls it into wire, twists it, and cuts it? Let the One, who knows the art, shape the child into an ornament of society; do not worry. You must grow day to day, not only physically but also in spiritual life. How long have you been in primary school, writing down the letters of the alphabet? Get up, demand an examination, pass, and advance to the higher class!
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Delusion (maya) binds and limits you; all spiritual exercise is to conquer delusion. A bit of iron will sink in water, but if beaten and made hollow, it will float. So beat the mind and make it hollow. Then, it will float on the sea of worldly life. Above all, have discrimination, and do not be led into taking any false step.
Monday, March 11, 2024
A little child sits with a book of the Upanishads on its lap and turns over the pages, intent on the printed lines and watching the curious types deliberately, slowly, and with great care. A monk does the same. Can you equate the two and say they are engaged in the same act? The child is unaware of the treasure it holds in its hand; the monk gets into immediate contact with the spiritual power the lines convey. Find out whether your spiritual practices have also been purposeful, sincere, wakeful, and worthwhile.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Everyone should try to understand the highest human ideals the Avatars represent and consider how far we live up to those ideals. Real worship consists of practicing the ideals to the greatest extent possible.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
You have sung devotional songs (bhajans), extolling the names that summarize the glory throughout the night. This is only an appetizer. Bhajan must become an unbroken stream of bliss on your tongues and hearts.
Friday, March 8, 2024
This is a sacred Shivaratri, an auspicious night. From now onwards, there should not be any inauspicious feelings entering the heart. Contemplate on the auspiciousness of this sacred Shivaratri day and strive to merge in the embodiment of auspiciousness. On this day, I shall pardon all your knowingly or unknowingly made mistakes. With immense bliss, I confer grace on you so that you may sanctify your hearts.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Recitation of the divine attributes enables us to dwell on elevating ideals and bring ourselves closer to divinity. We become what we contemplate on. Constant thinking imprints an ideal on our hearts.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
If you want to realize God, you must be immersed in bliss. To experience bliss, you have to follow the truth. To pursue truth, you have to instill peace in your heart. To achieve peace, you have to cultivate love. It is the confidence that begets love.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
You can worship your parents and realize the Lord through that spiritual practice. They are your creators, guides, teachers, and protectors, and by idealizing them, you can grasp the truth of the Lord, the primeval parent.
Monday, March 4, 2024
The Upanishads declare God is beyond the reach of mind and speech (avang-manasa gocharaha). Devote yourselves to contemplating the glories of God on this sacred night and sanctify your lives by turning your thoughts away from mundane concerns.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Faith is the foundation for the realization of God. I have often said: Where there is confidence, there is love; where there is love, there is peace; where there is peace, there is truth; where there is truth, there is bliss; where there is bliss, there is God.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
The manifestation of divinity transcends the bounds of time, space, and circumstance. Hence, the first requisite is the cultivation of faith. One who has no faith can accomplish nothing. With faith, one can achieve everything.
Friday, March 1, 2024
Faith is only one. There is nothing like blind faith. For faith, there can be no reason and no season. Faith and spirituality are beyond reason. It is foolish to search for the grounds of faith.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
You should always undertake service activities with a pure mind. Unity brings purity, and purity, in turn, leads to divinity. Therefore, always remember the inseparable relationship between unity, purity, and divinity and strive to achieve that. You may come together and work together in the spirit of sacrifice.