Welcome to the Environmental Sustainability Hub
Webinar: The Sacred Life of Plants
Why Nature should be revered with humility, as a manifestation of God.
- Presenter: Mr. Arul Shanthy
- When: 27 February 2021 and join at 5 am PST (Los Angeles) or 9 pm HKT (Hong Kong)
Register for the Sacred Life of Plants webinar
"Let’s start with a question asked to ourselves. 'Is my action or inaction in any way benefiting or harming the environment?' If I don't know the answer to that question, do research, ask around.”
– Achenyo Idachaba-Obaro, from Nigeria, speaking at the Go Green Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam, July 2018.
The Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSSIO) has established an Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) to provide spiritual solutions to our present day environmental crisis.
Position paper summary: Learn More Read our position paper: Learn More
This Environmental Sustainability Hub provides insights, tips and resources to help you develop the spiritual connection between yourself and Nature and to live a more environmentally conscious life. It is based on Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on Man’s relationship with Nature and the environmental crisis.
What would you like to find out today? Browse the Quick links below
God, Nature & Man
Watch the video that highlights our connection with Nature
Hear thoughts from environmental speakers from around the world
Learn More
Watch the Video
Trees are one of our greatest spiritual teachers.
How can we get inspired by the many lessons they have to share with us?
Learn More About Trees' Spiritual & Ecological Roles
Planting trees for the world and each of us
Why tree planting expresses our faith in God
Watch the Video
Spiritual Perspectives on the Environmental Crisis
Listen to the discussion between SSSIO Environmental Sustainability Committee members, exploring the connection between scientific and spiritual dimensions on climate change.
Go Green, Think Green, Act Green, Live Green
Find highlights from our first Go Green Conference, including study circle material and workshop summaries, and the conference resolutions.
Go Green Teachings and Practical Tips
Learn about spiritual solutions to the environmental crisis. Watch short videos and access checklists with practical tips you can apply in your life and your Sri Sathya Sai Centre.
Go Green Additional Resources and Useful Links
Access study circle and SSE content applied in the USA as well as materials from the “Serve the Planet” initiative.
How can protecting the planet
help me to grow spiritually?
The essence of sadhana (spiritual practice) is giving love to everyone and offering selfless service (seva) at every opportunity possible. It is encapsulated in Sri Sathya Sai Baba's famous dictum: "Love all, Serve all”. It extends to all Nature, including animals and plants.
Our spiritual journey requires that we expand our love beyond our family and ourselves.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, ”You have to realise that Nature is a manifestation of God. Hence, Nature should not be ignored.“
Widening our love to encompass Nature will help us realise that Nature is a gift from God. We can then expand our notion of seva to, for example, exchanging a plastic spoon for a bio-degradable option at a Sri Sathya Sai event, as a means for us to offer love to the Divine Light that permeates all creation.

Although, we may define spiritual practices as meditation, prayer, bhajan (devotional singing) and attending Sri Sathya Sai events, our every thought and action can be part of our spiritual practice. At the Go Green Conference, Shaun Brown, from Australia, said, ”We need to realise that everything we do has an impact on the environment”.
At a global scale, the current climate crisis is a reflection of the collective conscience of humanity. Shruthi Vijayakumar, from New Zealand, said, ”The external pollution we see is just a reflection of our inner pollution.” Our ceaseless desires are causing havoc around us, as people are unaware of the unity of God, Nature and Man. We are failing to learn selflessness from Nature. ”Nature gives unconditionally. Man cannot take unconditionally. On the contrary, God made us stewards of nature,” said Katina van Lamsweerde from Netherlands.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba says, ”The universe is the ‘university’ for man. Man should treat Nature with reverence.” Exploring this relationship with Nature is the starting point to dutifully managing the impact we have on the environment.
Get the highlights from our Go Green Conference to help you find out the spiritual connection between climate change and our inner transformation
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