Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings have been documented during His life through a vast collection of discourses and writings. His discourses and writings have unified the teachings of all the major religions and spiritual paths of this world. The Study Guides presented herewith is a collection of excerpts from His writings and discourses. The title of every Study Guide describes the theme of that guide.

Nine Gems - Guru Poornima 2021 Study Guide

Study Guide, in preparation for the Guru Poornima celebrations, presents selected letters of Swami written to the devotees, His students, teachers, and spiritual seekers

Divine Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

A series of books based on Swami's teachings

SSSIO Christmas Celebrations 2021

SSSIO will host an Online Worldwide Christmas Celebrations on December 25 and 26, 2021.

Siddhartha Becomes Buddha

The theme for the first-ever online celebration of this auspicious festival is “The Key to Real Happiness – Triratna Sharanam”.

Nine Gems - Part 2

Study Guide for 96th Birthday - Sri Sathya Sai Baba's sweet nectarine words of love and encouragement help us to progress in our spiritual path and to lead an ideal life based on His teachings.

Avatar Declaration Day 2021 - Study Guide

The SSSIO observes October 20th each year as the Avatar Declaration Day, to remember, reflect and assimilate the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The Ten Guiding Principles

The ten guiding principles of Swami are universal and non-denominational.

Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham - Your Welfare Is My responsibility

It is enough if you dedicate all acts to the Lord, without any desire. This is the secret of liberation.

Meditation - Sri Sathya Sai Baba Teaches Techniques

True Meditation - Offering the flower of love to the Divine.

Unity is Divinity - Purity is Enlightenment

Study guides on the theme of the 11th World Conference "Unity is Divinity & Purity is Enlightenment"

Happiness is Union with God

Celebration of Bhagawan's 95th Birthday with the theme "Happiness is Union with God"

Maha Shivaratri Study Guide 2024

Excerpts from a divine discourse given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 29th May 1990, for the purposes of reducing the identification with the mind and intensifying the unity with God.

Easwaramma, The Chosen Mother

“I resolved on my birth. I decided who should be my mother” said Sathya Sai Baba. Thus, she was the chosen mother of Sathya Sai Baba.


Eight flowers of worship

The Five Ds

Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination, Determination

Forget the Harm Done by Others

Forget the Harm Done by Others and Also Forget the Good You Have Done to Others

Nine Gems - Part 1

Nine letters that are precious gems give us guidance on various spiritual practices.

The Four Fs

Follow the Master, Face the Devil, Fight till the End, Finish the Game


The power of silence.


Understanding the different types of purity