Thursday, March 11, 2021
The mind has to be killed so that illusion (Maya) may be rent asunder and the reality revealed. Every day during the dark half of the month, the moon, and symbolically its counterpart in man, the mind, wane, and a fraction is diminished; its power declines. Finally, on the fourteenth night, there is just a wee bit left, that is all. If a little extra effort is made that day by the spiritual aspirant, even that bit can be wiped off and mastery of the mind completed.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Do not look upon Shivarathri as only an annual festival. Deem every night as a Shivarathri (holy night). Whatever and whenever you entertain sacred thoughts and contemplate on God, you have Shivarathri then and there. Shivam means goodness. It calls for the eschewing of egoism. Every human being should strive to destroy the ego.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The lesson of Sivarathri is that devotees should foster good and sacred thoughts. They should be filled with godly thoughts. They should seek to become one with the Divine by reflecting on their inherent divinity. If you constantly chant the name of God, God-realization will come in due course.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Do not think that God dwells in some temple, shrine or place of pilgrimage. He is omnipresent and His abode in man is the human heart. When Narada sought to know from Vishnu what was His permanent abode, the Lord replied: "Wherever my devotees chant my glories, I am present there." When God dwells in the heart, why should devotees seek Him elsewhere?
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Sivarathri is a day when one tries to establish friendship between the mind and God. Shivarathri makes one aware of the fact that the same Divinity is all-pervasive, that It is to be found everywhere.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
On holy festival days set apart by tradition for the contemplation of one's innate Divinity, you must examine your own equipment and decide on what to discard and what to retain. All qualities, attitudes, habits that remind you of the Absolute into which you have to merge, have to be retained and developed.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Devotion means giving up all other desires and dedicating all actions and thoughts to God. When you offer every act of yours to God, it becomes worship. Everything you do must be done as an offering to God.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Develop love for all. Do not think that a person is superior or more devoted than the rest. Do not look down upon anyone as a disturbance and nuisance. If you have love for God, you will love all, for God is in everyone.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
It is better to substitute good thoughts for the bad and cleanse the mind of all evil by dwelling on righteous deeds and holy thoughts. Forget the things that you do not want to remember. Bring to memory only those things that are worth remembering. That is the sane way to achieve spiritual progress.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Be good, see good, hear good, talk good and do good. The basis for such discipline is to ‘think good’. This entails controlling the mind. Meditation on God is one of the steps for achieving steadiness of mind. Concentration is needed for every action such as even walking on the road, talking, reading, and so on. You should concentrate with single minded devotion on God.
Monday, March 1, 2021
It is dedication to the Lord that sanctifies all activities. He is the prompter, executor, the giver of the required strength and skill, and the one who enjoys the fruit thereof. So dedication must come naturally to you, for all is His, and nothing is yours!
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Every thought, word, and deed has to come from an enlightened consciousness. Do not let your mind wander; let it dwell constantly in the inner world. This is the inward quest, and meditation (Dhyana) is the most important instrument needed for this.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
People render their inner consciousness impure by ignorantly dwelling on the objective world. They take delight in mere sound, taste, smell, etc. When they seek objective pleasure they are tempted to secure the objects that give pleasure; foiled in the attempt, they get restless, hateful and afraid. Fear robs one of his mental resources. It creates anger that cannot be easily pacified. Thus desire, anger and fear are aroused one after the other and these three must be removed to realize the Lord.
Friday, February 26, 2021
The wise one (Jnani) is ever happy and this happiness does not depend on objects outside. You may wonder how; it is because such people are content with whatever happens to them, well or ill, as they are convinced that the Lord's will must prevail.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Take all worldly losses, sufferings, and worries as merely temporal and transitory, and realise that repetition of the Name and meditation is only to overcome such grief. You must understand that loss, suffering, and worry are external, they belong to this world, while repetition of the Name and meditation are internal, they belong to the realm of the love for the Lord.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Irrespective of whatever inconveniences you may encounter, you must continue your spiritual practices with the same discipline. The remembrance of the Name of the Lord you cherish should go on.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Even if you don’t attain liberation as a consequence of taking up the Lord’s name, one of these four gates will be open to you: Company of the virtuous, truth, contentment and control of the senses. Anyone who enters through any one of these gates will certainly attain the Lord without fail.
Monday, February 22, 2021
There is no penance higher than fortitude, no happiness greater than contentment, no good deed holier than mercy, no weapon more effective than patience.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The first task of a spiritual aspirant is the cultivation of enthusiasm. Through that enthusiasm, he can derive any variety of joy. Never get inflated when you are praised; never get deflated when you are blamed. Be a spiritual lion, regardless of both. One must analyse and correct one's faults on his own; this is most important.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Above all, it is best that the spiritual aspirant under all circumstances should be joyful, smiling and enthusiastic. Even more than Devotion and Wisdom (Bhakthi and Jnana), this pure attitude is desirable. Those who have acquired it deserve to reach the goal first. This quality of joy at all times is the fruit of the good done in past births. When a person is ever worried, depressed and doubting, he can never attain bliss, whatever spiritual practices one may undertake.
Friday, February 19, 2021
You must carefully think over the consequences of whatever you do, talk, or execute. In whatever way you want others to honor you, or to love you, or to behave with you, in the same way you should first behave with others, and love and honor them. Then only will those honor you.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Moksha can come only from the conquest of ignorance. A person might master all the scriptures along with all the learned commentaries written on them by experts, or propitiate all the gods by performing the prescribed modes of worship and ceremonies. But this cannot grant the boon of liberation.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Mind control, restraining the senses, transcending the worldly dualities, forbearance, unwavering faith, and equanimity are the primary virtues that must exist in a true spiritual aspirant. In addition, there must be an intense longing for liberation (Moksha).
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Do not look on, when you find some one in pain or grief. As far as possible, relieve the pain, console the grief-stricken.
Monday, February 15, 2021
Having complete faith in the Divinity within is self-confidence. This is the foundation on which the walls of self-satisfaction have to be raised and the roof of self-sacrifice laid, so that the mansion of Self-Realisation is complete.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
When you have the feeling that Divinity is within you, you will not think, see, hear, talk or do any evil.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Performing work as worship is also tantamount to meditation. You must perform all actions as offering to God.
Friday, February 12, 2021
The Path of Worship (Bhakti marga) is the name given to the path of surrender to the Lord's Will, the merging of the individual Will in the Will of the Universal.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
See Him in all, worship Him through all, for He is all. Engage in activity, but, fill the activity with devotion: it is the devotion that sanctifies.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Meditation must transmute your attitude towards beings and things; else it is a hoax. Even a boulder will, through the action of sun and rain, heat and cold, disintegrate into mud and become food for a tree. Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 9/Ch. 1, January 13, 1969Even the hardest heart can be softened so that the Divine can sprout therein.