Wednesday, March 31, 2021
When the illusory nature of the objects is revealed, the attachment falls off and he is free. These attachments persuade him to tarnish the acts of worship also; for, he prays to God for granting him trivial boons. Pray to God for God.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
One can talk loud and long on liberation and of its being the final goal; but, he does not know that he 'is already free; he imagines himself as bound and behaves as such. Attachments to illusory objects bind him.
Monday, March 29, 2021
To eliminate the ego, strengthen the belief that all objects belong to God, and that you are holding them on trust. This would prevent pride; it is also the truth. Then, when you lose a thing, you would not grieve. God gave; God took away.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
The main point to be attended to is the elimination of the ego, the elimination of the identification with the body and its needs, satisfiable through the senses. For, you get joy when these needs are fulfilled; grief when they are not, anger when something comes in the way, pride when you win over that opposition.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
The flames of anger, pride, hatred, envy are more devastating than other fires; they arise in the mind stealthily and in spurts; they are ever demanding more and more to feed upon. Fire is called anala in the Geetha, for anala means, "not enough!" Fire never says, "Enough" or "I am satisfied."
Friday, March 26, 2021
All the joy you crave for is in you; but, like a man who has vast riches in the iron chest, but, who has no idea where the key is, you suffer. With proper directions, dwelling upon them in the silence of meditation, it is possible to secure the key, open the chest and be rich in joy.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Bring devotion and lay it here and take from here spiritual strength! The more such business is done, the more pleased am I. Bring what you have, namely, your sorrows and griefs, worries, and anxieties, and take from Me joy and peace, courage and confidence.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Never accept anything ‘free’ from others; pay it back, in service or work. That will make you self-respecting individuals. Receiving a favour means getting bound to the giver. Grow with self-respect and dignity. That is the best service you can do to yourself.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
The Lord is a Mountain of Love (Prema); any number of ants carrying away particles of sweetness cannot exhaust His Plenty. He is an Ocean of Mercy without a limiting shore. Devotion is the easiest way to win His Grace and also to realize that He pervades everything — in fact, is everything! Total surrender, leaving everything to His Will, is the highest form of devotion.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Whatever other things they may possess, men suffer from lack of peace and bliss. These two can be got only from God. It is for these two that men should pray to God and not for anything else, because God alone can give them. When these are secured, all other things will come of their own accord by the grace of God. People should yearn for God. All other desires are worthless.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Try to understand my doctrine of Love. I often address you as "embodiments of the Divine Self". You will be true embodiments of the Divine only when you develop divine love. The only being worthy of love in this world is God. All others are only objects of transient attachment.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Spiritual practices must make you calm, unruffled, poised, balanced. Make the mind as cool and comforting as moonlight, for the Moon is the Deity holding sway over the Mind. Be calm in speech, and in your response to malice, caviling and praise. You complain that others are disturbing your equanimity; but, you do not know that though your tongue does not speak, your thoughts can unsettle the equanimity of those around you.
Friday, March 19, 2021
You may say that progress is possible only through My Grace; but, though My Heart is soft as butter, it melts only when there is some warmth in your prayer. Unless you make some disciplined effort, some spiritual practice, Grace cannot descend on you. The yearning, the agony of unfulfilled aim melts My Heart. That is the anguish that wins Grace.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
The body is the chariot; intelligence (Buddhi) is the charioteer; desires are the roads through which it is drawn by the rope of sensual attachments; liberation (Moksha) is the goal; the Divine is the Master in the chariot.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
God will grant you what you need and deserve; there is no need to ask, no reason to grumble, Be content. Nothing can happen against His will.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Detachment, Faith and Love, these are the pillars on which Peace rests. Of these, faith is crucial. For without it, spiritual practice is an empty rite. Detachment alone can make spiritual practice effective, and Love leads quickly to God.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Strive to acquire Grace; Grace is the reward for spiritual practice; the highest spiritual discipline is to follow the instructions of the Master.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Pay any price to acquire the company of the good. The company of the good takes you near to God. Spiritual practice makes you dear to the Lord. When you are near and dear you become one with God. When you have realised God, you have secured everything. Without God, everything else is valueless.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
The body has been described as the temple of God. You must fill yourself with the feeling that God is in you, beside you, around you, and with you wherever you go. When you love God with this consciousness, the love results in Self-realisation.
Friday, March 12, 2021
I am giving you three maxims which you have to bear in mind: "Seva, Seva, Seva." Never forget the duty to serve. For this you have to develop love. To develop love, you have to promote the spirit of sacrifice. Service will become meaningful when it manifests love that issues from sacrifice. Consider service as conducive to your own spiritual development. "Be good, do good."
Thursday, March 11, 2021
The mind has to be killed so that illusion (Maya) may be rent asunder and the reality revealed. Every day during the dark half of the month, the moon, and symbolically its counterpart in man, the mind, wane, and a fraction is diminished; its power declines. Finally, on the fourteenth night, there is just a wee bit left, that is all. If a little extra effort is made that day by the spiritual aspirant, even that bit can be wiped off and mastery of the mind completed.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Do not look upon Shivarathri as only an annual festival. Deem every night as a Shivarathri (holy night). Whatever and whenever you entertain sacred thoughts and contemplate on God, you have Shivarathri then and there. Shivam means goodness. It calls for the eschewing of egoism. Every human being should strive to destroy the ego.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The lesson of Sivarathri is that devotees should foster good and sacred thoughts. They should be filled with godly thoughts. They should seek to become one with the Divine by reflecting on their inherent divinity. If you constantly chant the name of God, God-realization will come in due course.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Do not think that God dwells in some temple, shrine or place of pilgrimage. He is omnipresent and His abode in man is the human heart. When Narada sought to know from Vishnu what was His permanent abode, the Lord replied: "Wherever my devotees chant my glories, I am present there." When God dwells in the heart, why should devotees seek Him elsewhere?
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Sivarathri is a day when one tries to establish friendship between the mind and God. Shivarathri makes one aware of the fact that the same Divinity is all-pervasive, that It is to be found everywhere.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
On holy festival days set apart by tradition for the contemplation of one's innate Divinity, you must examine your own equipment and decide on what to discard and what to retain. All qualities, attitudes, habits that remind you of the Absolute into which you have to merge, have to be retained and developed.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Devotion means giving up all other desires and dedicating all actions and thoughts to God. When you offer every act of yours to God, it becomes worship. Everything you do must be done as an offering to God.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Develop love for all. Do not think that a person is superior or more devoted than the rest. Do not look down upon anyone as a disturbance and nuisance. If you have love for God, you will love all, for God is in everyone.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
It is better to substitute good thoughts for the bad and cleanse the mind of all evil by dwelling on righteous deeds and holy thoughts. Forget the things that you do not want to remember. Bring to memory only those things that are worth remembering. That is the sane way to achieve spiritual progress.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Be good, see good, hear good, talk good and do good. The basis for such discipline is to ‘think good’. This entails controlling the mind. Meditation on God is one of the steps for achieving steadiness of mind. Concentration is needed for every action such as even walking on the road, talking, reading, and so on. You should concentrate with single minded devotion on God.