Monday, September 23, 2024
Peace is the innate nature of humanity. It is the force that comes to the aid of those who try to develop discrimination (viveka), renunciation or detachment (vairagya), and keenness of intellect (vichakshana). It is but a phase of the Atma itself. Like the Atma, it has no beginning or end; no blemish can mar it; it is equaled only by itself; it cannot be compared with any other.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Detach yourselves from the craving for fame and comfort – that is to say, develop non-attachment (upeksha), and you are free! Detachment alone can save you from entanglement and reveal the ultimate truth.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
The absence of mere anger cannot be taken as peace. Winning a desired object and the satisfaction one then gets should not be confused with peace. The peace that has pervaded the heart must not be shaken for any reason; only that type of peace (shanti) deserves to be called supreme peace (Prashanti).
Friday, September 20, 2024
In the sixth chapter of the Gita, we are told how one can attain purity. Good qualities like kindness, compassion, love, and sacrifice qualify one to be called a devotee or a Jnani, or one who has attained detachment from the external world (Vairagya).
Thursday, September 19, 2024
When one has attained the state of realizing the divinity in every being, when every instrument of knowledge brings the experience of that divinity, when it alone is seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and touched, then one becomes undoubtedly a part of the body of God and lives in Him and with Him. When this duty to progress is taken up, you will get new strength at the very first step; you will get a new and purer joy; you will taste the fullness of bliss; and a new holiness will refresh you.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Everyone must be interested in four things: "Who am I? Where did I come from? Whither am I going? How long shall I be here?" All spiritual inquiry begins with these questions and attempts to find the answers. The four Vedas answer these four questions.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
God is all names and forms! Gods designated in different faiths and adored by different human communities are all limbs of the one God that really is.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Do not make the mistake of considering some worthy of reverence and others unworthy. Sai is in everyone, so all deserve your reverence and service. Propagate this truth; that is the function I assign to this Organization (Seva Samithis).
Sunday, September 15, 2024
On Onam festival day, people of Kerala invite Emperor Bali into their hearts and homes. Bali had unwavering faith in God. He served his subjects as if he was commissioned by God (Narayana). He offered all he earned, all he was and himself most gladly to God. He overcame the clouds of ignorance and rose to supreme wisdom. His Self expanded so vastly that it merged with divine consciousness. Purity leads to unity, and unity merges with divinity. This is the message that Onam and the story of Bali convey to humankind.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
A man once was pestered by a host of relatives when he was dying. Parents, wife, children, brothers, sisters - all surrounded his bed during his last moments and wailed. They asked him, "What is to happen to us?" The dying man lifted his head a little from the pillow and asked in return, "What is to happen to me? I am now more interested in that problem, than being worried about what is to happen to you." Well, it is better if everyone asks those questions even now and equips themselves with the answer rather than wait until it is too late.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Carry out the spiritual practice of repeating the divine name and meditation as prescribed; learn all about it from these Pandits and others who have the experience. Do ritual worship with flowers, repetition of the name with rosaries, etc., until you are ready for higher endeavors. You must offer the Lord, not the flowers from plants; that will reward the plant, not you! The Lord wants you to offer the lotus that blooms in the lake of your heart.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
When the magnet does not attract the needle, the fault lies in the dirt covering the needle. When the Lord does not approach the devotee, the fault lies in the devotee's heart; it is not pure enough. Purify the heart by being good and kind to all. Do not attempt to find fault with others. Look upon all with love, respect, and faith in their sincerity.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Do all acts as offerings to God; do not classify some as "my work" and some as "His work." All work is His; He inspires, helps, executes, enjoys, reaps, sows and is pleased. He alone exists, for all this manifoldness is but He, seen through the mirror of Nature! Everything is for the attainment of the Supreme.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
To achieve the great consummation, you must take one step after another. Good deeds like ritual worship, repetition of holy names, meditation, observance of vows, etc., are the 'steps'; good thoughts like prayer for greater discrimination and chances to serve others also help. Slowly, steadily cleanse the mind, sharpen the intellect, purify the senses, and win grace.
Monday, September 9, 2024
People surrender their dignity and status to others for various purposes in life: wealth, fame, possessions, pomp, power, etc. But rarely do they get the chance to surrender to the Lord for the sake of the Lord! How can one get the urge as long as one craves the world and not its basis? One longs for the object, but not for the base on which the object rests. How long can a baseless object satisfy? One wants the gift but not the giver, the created but not the Creator, things from the hand but not the hand!
Sunday, September 8, 2024
When one suffers from acute stomach pain, their eyes water. Why? Because the various organs - eye, stomach, etc. - are part of the same body. So, too, when others suffer, your eyes must shed tears, and you must be urged to alleviate it. This will happen if you know that you and they are limbs of the self-same divine body.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Worship of Vinayaka should not be limited to Vinayaka (Ganesh) Chaturthi day only. You should always worship Him at all places and, whether it is the fourth, eighth, or ninth day of the new moon or any other day. “Everywhere, at all times, under all circumstances contemplate on God (Sarvada sarvakaleshu sarvatra Hari chintanam).”
Friday, September 6, 2024
"Awake, arise, and stop not till the goal is reached," it is said (Uththishtatha, jagratha, prapyavaran nibodhatha). But one need not march toward the goal. It is not someplace where you must go. It is just the opening of the eye, the removal of the veil, the waking from the dream, the lighting of spiritual wisdom.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
The Lord is nearest to you. Slide ajar the door of delusion; part the curtain of ignorance; open the closed eye; He is right there, before you! The fog of sensual pleasure is hiding Him from you. Switch on the light; the darkness disappears, and He becomes visible.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Love all, revere all, and help all to the best of your ability. Endeavor to be as beneficial, as sweet, and as soft as possible. Then, the spot on which you stand becomes as sacred as Kashi, and the words that you utter will be as holy as scripture. This spiritual practice (sadhana) will lead you to Self-realization.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Wherever you are, whatever work you do, do it as an act of worship and dedication, an act for the glorification of God, who is the inspirer, the witness, and the Master. Do not divide your activities as "These are for my sake" and "These are for the sake of God.” When you work, there should be no remainder; nothing should remain over. See all work as one.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Human beings can fulfill themselves only through service to others and expansion into the universal. Spiritual practice (sadhana) must enlarge the vision, enhance the experience, and enthuse the individual soul (jivatma) to merge with the Supreme soul (Paramatma).
Sunday, September 1, 2024
God's grace is like a shower of rain or sunlight. You must do some spiritual practice (sadhana) to acquire it, the sadhana of keeping a pot upright to receive the rain, or the sadhana of opening the door of your heart so that the Sun may illumine it. Like the music broadcast over the radio, it is all around you, but you must switch on your receiver and tune in the identical wavelength so that you can hear it and enjoy it.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
In the world today, the number of intellectuals who are engaged in breaking up the One into the many and fostering divisive forces is on the increase. On the other hand, the number of those who recognize unity in diversity is on the decline. In a world bristling with disunity, disorder and chaos, it is only the sense of unity underlying the multiplicity that can bring about peace. The world sorely needs today people imbued with this feeling.
Friday, August 30, 2024
People should learn to honor their promises. They should never go back on their word. Truth is the life breath of the spoken word. Many ancient rulers were even prepared to give up their lives for honoring their plighted word.. Emperor Bali was truth incarnate. Always devoted to the well-being of his subjects, he constantly strove to lead them on the path of truth and to ensure prosperity in his realm. Emperor Bali's grandfather, Prahlada, had the same noble qualities.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
One who has control over the mind is a true human. One who lacks control over the mind is no human at all. How can you call yourself a human being if you are fickle-minded and depressed over trivial problems? You should make efforts to overcome problems posed by the mind without being unduly worried about them. In this world, there is nothing greater than God's love.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
People who have read the scriptures or listened to the discourses of scholars, imagine that Sat-Chit-Ananda abides in some special place. This is the root cause of their ignorance of the Real. You are the embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Everything around you is a manifestation of Sat-Chit-Ananda. People are forgetting their own true nature and separate themselves from the Divine and thus become prey to numerous troubles.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
You should not seek anything other than divine love. There is nothing superior to love in this world. You consider gold, silver, diamond, etc. as most valuable. In fact, all these so-called valuable things are meant to delude man. We should not care for such worldly possessions. Instead, we should focus our mind on God.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Krishna was the embodiment of love. Hence, love is the virtue He appreciates most. Love has to turn into concrete acts of compassion. Cultivate compassion and develop sympathetic understanding, until you reach the goal of merging in the embodiment of love, i.e.,Krishna.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Just as the body is an organic whole and any ailment affecting any part of the body is felt as a pain by the whole organism, people should feel that anyone's suffering is their own. Any relief done to the other is a help done to oneself.