Monday, June 10, 2024
The lover of God sees God everywhere. Hence, the human heart must be filled with the love of God. Love will not enter the heart of one filled with selfishness and self-conceit. Therefore, one should forget one's petty self and concentrate on God.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
You may be in the jungle, but your mind may wander in the marketplace. Similarly, you may be in the market, but by spiritual practice (sadhana), you can still secure peace in the heart in the midst of the bustling city.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
When the tree of life sends its roots into the Atmic reality, the unchanging, eternal, universal, immanent entity of which the individual is but a spark, it will flourish grandly. It will yield fragrant blossoms of loving service, sweet fruits giving nourishment and joy to all.
Friday, June 7, 2024
Dedication to the Lord sanctifies all activities. He is the prime cause for all activity, the prompter, the executor, the giver of the required strength and skill, and the enjoyer of the fruit. So, dedication must come naturally to you, for all is His, and nothing is yours! Your duty is to believe He is the motivator of your activities and draw strength from that belief.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
The spiritual stream must flow in the heart as the source and spring of all endeavor. Women are the makers of the home, the nation, and the world. You are the mothers who shape the generations. So, you must enshrine in your hearts the spiritual urge towards light and love, wisdom, and bliss. 
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
We have friends and foes, likes and dislikes, whereas Vedanta teaches us to develop equal-mindedness. Just as we do not punish our teeth for accidentally biting our tongue because we consider both organs as parts of our body, we must also bear in mind that the eternal and universal Atma resides in everyone and everywhere. We should not accentuate differences but concentrate on unity. 
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
For all forms of bliss, love is the source. A heart without love is like a barren land. Foster love in your hearts and redeem your lives. Whatever your scholarship or wealth, they are valueless without love. Without devotion, all other accomplishments are of no avail for realizing God.
Monday, June 3, 2024
Serve all and love all. Firmly believe that the divine is in everyone and constantly act on this belief. Only by continuous practice can you develop this sacred attitude. Fill yourself with Self-confidence and courage. Make your life a complete offering to the divine, who is the real source of all you are and have.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Love all beings – that is enough. Love with no expectation of return. Love for the sake of love. Love because your very nature is love. Love because that is the form of worship you know and like. When others are happy, be happy likewise. When others are in misery, try to alleviate their lot to the best of your ability. Practice love through selfless service (seva). By this means, you will realize unity and get rid of the ego.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
There is love in every one of you. What is the form of love? What is the nature of love? When we analyze carefully, we will realize that love is not limited to human beings alone but is present in all living beings. Every being is endowed with the quality of supreme divine love. One must give up enmity and cultivate unity and purity to understand this truth.
Friday, May 31, 2024
You may call God by any name, such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Sai, etc., but all embody the same divine principle. Keep the flower of oneness in the altar of your heart and let its fragrance spread everywhere.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Your ultimate goal is to realize the innate Atmic principle, which is the same in all. There are no differences whatsoever. The Atma that is present in you is present in everybody. It is attributeless. To realize this Atmic principle, you should fill your heart with love. The heart is like a vessel. Fill it with the qualities of truth, love, and sacrifice. Then, you don't need to ask for peace; it will automatically manifest from within. In fact, love, truth, etc., are within you. You should manifest them from within. You cannot acquire them from outside.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Performing action with a spiritual outlook is the essence of Atmadharma (individual's essential nature). If you enquire deeply, you will realize that everything happens not merely because of your personal efforts but by the will of God. Right from the atom to the cosmos, everything in the universe is driven by God's will.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
The divine dwells in everyone's heart. You must enthuse those who entertain godly feelings. Such people should not be discouraged. Divine feelings arise in one only as a consequence of good deeds done in many lives. Only a sacred heart can experience the divine. The pursuit of any object other than the divine is a futile exercise - worldly possessions come and go, but divinity comes and grows.
Monday, May 27, 2024
Contemplate on the divine name, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, or gender. You can always chant the divine name of your liking. If you constantly contemplate on and chant the divine name, it will purify your thoughts and feelings. Never forget the divine name. If you constantly contemplate on the divine name, your life will surely be sanctified.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Seeing only things that are holy is samyak-darshanam (holy vision). You must see only things that please your conscience. Seeing all worldly things is not holy vision. Buddha emphasized seeing good, thinking good, speaking good, and doing good. The eyes should be used for seeing only what is pure, holy, and edifying.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
In creation, there appear to be two entities: you and I. But you and I are one. Vyashti (individual) is a part of samashti (society), and samashti is a part of srishti (creation), which emerges from Parameshti (God). This Parameshti is Parabrahma Tattwa (principle of Brahman). That is the fundamental basis of the entire creation. In this way, you have to recognize the unity of all creation. Only then can you attain Parameshti, or the principle of Brahman.
Friday, May 24, 2024
Children should revere their parents, who account for their physical existence. But they should realize what they owe to God, the basis of all life. Recognizing this double obligation to the mothers and to the divine - they should redeem their lives by purposeful living. There are greater things than even life itself. The supreme achievement is God-realization. It is the summum bonum of human life.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
The same divine principle of love is present in all of you. When you take the path of love, you will become Buddha yourself. Today is Buddha Poornima. Poornima means full moon. The underlying message of Buddha Poornima is that the mind should shine with total purity like the full moon. It should unite with its source, i.e., the Atma, which is pure and effulgent. There is no darkness on a full moon night. On this auspicious day of Buddha Poornima, we should attain full purity of the mind.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
True sadhana (spiritual exercise) eradicates all evil in a human being. The study of sacred texts, meditation, and penance do not constitute the whole of sadhana. To remove all the impurities in the mind is real sadhana. After this comes what Buddha called samyak-samadhi or nirvana (realization or liberation). What is meant by samadhi? It means treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss alike. Sama-dhi (equal-mindedness) is "samadhi". To look upon light and darkness, pleasure and pain, profit and loss, fame and censure with an equal mind is samadhi. Buddha termed this equal mindedness as nirvana.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Buddha experienced the unity of all creation. He transformed completely once he attained the vision of Ekatma (oneness of the Atma). He realized that all worldly relations like mother, father, wife, and children were false. He transcended body consciousness. That is why he earned the appellation Buddha (enlightened one). One should use buddhi (intelligence) to understand this principle of unity.
Monday, May 20, 2024
Some people talk about meditation. Even Buddha advocated the practice of meditation. What do you have to meditate upon? What is meant by meditation? Does it mean concentrating on a particular object? No, no. That is not meditation at all. Contemplating the principle of "I am I" is true meditation.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
You should try to do good to those who have harmed you. You must forget the harm done by others and the good you have done to others. So, you should forget what needs to be forgotten and remember those things that need to be remembered. What are the things you must remember? The good that others have done to you. You must remember the good that has been done to you as sacred. You must express your gratitude.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
All that relates to the body is temporary and transient. What one should seek is enduring bliss. Happiness is a union with God. Buddha prescribed five duties: good vision, good thoughts, listening to good things, good speech, and good actions. These five-fold duties constitute true sadhana (spiritual practice).
Friday, May 17, 2024
The Lord is not swayed by wealth or scholarship, power, or position. Love alone can move God. If you wish to sway the Lord, you must offer love and love alone. Today unfortunately love has become scarce. Even material love is disappearing. But God’s love is boundless. In whatever manner you may love God, God responds in equal measure. 
Thursday, May 16, 2024
The human body acquires its sacredness because it is the abode of the divine. The Gita refers to the body as a Kshetra (sacred field) and the divine indweller as the Kshetrajna (knower of the sacred field). Because of the body's sacredness, it should be used properly as an instrument of the divine.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Names and forms may be different, but all beings are part and parcel of the same divine principle. You may call this a handkerchief. You may call this a robe. But both are made of cotton. Likewise, divinity is the underlying principle in the apparent multiplicity of this world.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Knowledge of the Self cannot be obtained by studying scriptures, from preceptors, or by the grace of great men. The Self (Brahman) cannot be seen in the external world. It should be experienced in one's heart. It is a mark of ignorance to seek the Self in the outside world.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Speaking truth is a supreme virtue for all people, anywhere. In any circumstance, one should adhere to the truth. Truth is God incarnate. Righteousness should accompany one like a shadow. You can achieve anything in life when you have truth and righteousness as your guiding stars. All powers are inherent in these two virtues.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Education that does not facilitate inquiry into one's Self is not education! It will only lead to agitation! Mere book reading does not constitute education. Book reading contributes only to acquiring bookish knowledge, which is artificial knowledge. Real knowledge comes out of the heart.