Tuesday, November 17, 2020
You should never get entangled in the meshes of this world and its problems. Try to escape into the purer air of the spirit as often as you can, by taking the name of the Lord. Hate and envy distort man's true charm. Anger is the fuel for all varieties of sin. Those aspiring for success in the spiritual field must therefore decide to control anger, and subdue the vagaries of the mind. They must put down their mental agitations and worries, and see that they do not create worry in others also. From this very moment, pray for the Grace of God which will enable you to control and conquer your vices. Deepen your faith in God. Expand your love (Prema) and take into its fold, the whole of mankind. May you all win Truth (Sathyam), Peace (Shanti) and Joy (Sukham) through these means. May you merge in the source of all bliss (Aanandam).
Monday, November 16, 2020
You are carrying a huge load of worry all day; keep that aside for an hour every evening and spend that time with God who can make your shoulders strong and your burden light. You will relish the bhajan as you make it a daily function, like eating and sleeping. You eat twice a day for the upkeep of the body; should you not do bhajan as least once for the upkeep of the mind?
Monday, November 16, 2020
God is love and love is God. True spiritual discipline lies in developing love to love relationship.
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, January 14, 2006
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Those who sing bhajans get what can be called 'double promotion,' for they derive Joy and distribute joy! Life today is filled with sorrow, it is beset with fear and despair. The only time you can forget these thoughts and strengthen yourself to meet the hard times is when you contact the Source of all strength, God. You cannot get that peace and joy while you bend under the burden of daily life.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Expansion is Love. Expansion is the essence of Love. Love is God. Live in Love. That is the Deepavali Message I give you. When a lamp is lit from another, there are two where there was but one. The first one did not stop emitting light. You can light a million lamps from one; but, yet, the first will not suffer a jot! Love too is like this. Share it with a million, it will still be as bright as when it was alone.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Life is a game with fire; you must derive warmth without getting burnt. So you must constantly fight the inner battle to use the senses and the intellect wisely to secure liberation rather than get entangled in their wiles. Deepavali commemorates the victory of heavenly over hellish influences, of virtue over vice, as symbolised by the victory of Krishna over Narakasura.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Offer your heart to the Lord, and gladly let Him transform you. Practice the three disciplines of silence, cleanliness and forbearance. In silence you can hear the voice of God. Through cleanliness you earn purity. By forbearance, you cultivate love.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
It serves no purpose if you merely acknowledge that the Lord has come but do not yearn to benefit by the Advent. Offer your entire self, your entire life, to Him; then your adoration will transform and transmute you so fast and so completely that you will merge into Him. He thinks, He feels and acts as you do; you think, feel and act as He does. You will be transformed as a rock is transformed by the sculptor into an idol, deserving the worship of generations of sincere men and women. In the process you will have to bear many a hammer stroke and chisel-wound, for He is the sculptor. He is but releasing you from petrification!
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
It is a matter of great bliss to be loved by many. To win over the hearts of so many is a sign of Divinity. I love everyone and all love Me.  Do not hurt anyone by your harsh words and enter into any evil paths. Recognise the truth that God pervades everything from microcosm to macrocosm. With sincerity of purpose and faith (Shraddha and Vishwasa) and self-confidence, you can achieve anything in the world. Love God from the depths of your heart.  Follow Swami’s commands and you will attain everything and be victorious in all your endeavours!
Monday, November 9, 2020
Embodiments of Divine Love! Everyone aspires for happiness and wants to avoid sorrow. But in this world, truth and untruth, righteousness and unrighteousness, justice and injustice pass and change with time. One should have faith in the ultimate principle out of which both good and evil arise. Everyday one experiences happiness and sorrow, welcomes affections and aversions and invites worries and misery. How can one be at peace under these conditions? The true man is one who believes in equanimity - in the same way as one welcomes happiness, one should be able to welcome sorrows also.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Do every deed as an act of worship; make every thought a longing for Him; change every word that comes from your tongue into a hymn in His praise.
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, October 11, 1972
Sunday, November 8, 2020
I have come with one purpose: To reveal to everyone of you the mystery of your reality and the goal of your life! What you should place before Me as offering is Pure Love from within. When you offer Me that, I derive Ananda! From today, spend your days and years in activities that help and care for those who are in dire need, and make this human existence of yours worthwhile and fruitful. Conduct yourself appropriately and realise the goal of your life. My blessings to you!
Saturday, November 7, 2020
We have to treat others' suffering and difficulties as our own. We have to be amicable with one and all. We must develop faith in the maxim that we are "Embodiments of One Divine Self (Ekatmaswarupas)." If our thoughts are good, we will always engage ourselves in good deeds (Satkarmas). If you indulge in bad thoughts, you will see bad everywhere.
Friday, November 6, 2020
What is it that you can offer to the Lord who is omnipotent, omnipresent and all-knowing? The Lord has endowed you with all his wealth and Divine potentialities. You are inheritors of His wealth. You have to discover what that wealth is. Sai's wealth is nothing but pure, selfless and boundless Love. You must inherit this Love, fill yourselves with it and offer it to the world. This is your supreme responsibility.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
To understand Me, everyone has to realise that the ‘I’ is present in everyone. The ‘I’ is used by everyone in every context, whether one is a millionaire or a pauper. This ‘I’ is I am Brahman (Aham Brahmasmi). Everyone should strive to recognise the divinity that is present in all. This effort has to be made by everyone. Human birth has been given for this purpose. It cannot be left to God.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
“Who is this Sai? Why are certain things happening in this manner?” These questions are asked. I am not a renunciant (Sanyasi). I am not a yogi. I am not a pleasure-seeker (Bhogi). I am not a one who sacrifices (Tyagi). I am ‘I’. This ‘I’ is the first name given to the Atma. A renunciant is bound by certain restrictions. The pleasure-seeker is bound in other ways. I have no limitations. Mine is boundless bliss. My name is ‘I’. It is not a name given after one's birth.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
In this vast Cosmos every being has a significant role to play to ensure its smooth functioning. Anyone can pursue the spiritual path without the aid of a rosary or taking to the forest. For example, a farmer tilling the field should think that he is tilling the field of his heart. While sowing seeds, he must think that he is sowing the seeds of good qualities in his heart and while watering, he should think he is watering the field of his Heart with Love.
Monday, November 2, 2020
Individuals are integrally related to society like different organs in a body. Humanity is a limb of nature and nature (Prakruti) is a limb of God. If this integral relationship is understood, where is the ground for hatred? None should consider themselves as insignificant or unimportant. Everyone, small or big, is a vital part of the whole and is essential for its proper functioning like all parts in a rocket.
Monday, November 2, 2020
Peace of mind cannot be gained by wealth or fame or scholarship or skill. For that, you have to clean the mind, purify the heart, yearn for service of the divine forms that move around you.
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, October 11, 1972
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Embodiments of the Divine! To realise the divine, Love is the easiest path. Just as you can see the moon only with the light of the moon, God, who is the Embodiment of Love, can be reached only through Love. Regard selfless love as your life breath. Love was the first quality to emerge in the process of creation. All other qualities came after it. Therefore, fill your hearts with pure selfless love and lead your life with selfless love as the foundation.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Only the human being, who gives up self-interest and regards the happiness of others as his or her own and devotes himself or herself to their well-being, is a truly selfless person. The Lord will love only those who love others. If you seek to win the Lord’s love, you must love others.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Practise silence for at least ten minutes in a day. Meditate on Swami’s teachings at that time. Realise that in this transient world the eternal is immanent. Hold fast onto God. Experience the bliss of union with the Divine. Make love your life-breath.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
The fourth ceiling on desires is: ‘Don’t waste Energy.’ People waste their energy by indulging in bad thoughts,bad looks, bad hearing and bad action. The right royal road is: See no evil, see what is good. Hear no evil, hear what is good. Talk no evil, talk what is good. Think no evil, think what is good. Do no evil, do what is good. It is by translating the above instructions into practice that you will be sanctifying your time. This is the Sadhana and the service that you have to practise. A time will come when the mind will be extinguished and the merger with the Divine achieved.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
The third ceiling on desires is: ‘Don’t waste time. Time waste is Life waste.’ God is exalted as ‘I bow to the One who is Time, I bow to the One who is the destroyer of time, I bow to the One who transcends time, I bow to the One who is the embodiment of time' (Kalaya namah, Kalakalaya namah, Kalatitaya namah, Kala swarupaya namah). Spend the time by using sanctifying words. Do not waste time. Wasting time is wasting God.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
The second ceiling on desires is: ‘Don’t waste money. God is wealth.’ Since God is wealth, misuse of money is evil. Practise charity by gifting away money, food, clothes, houses, etc., instead of misusing it in extravagance. Misuse of money is not only evil but a sin as well.
Monday, October 26, 2020
The first ceiling on desires is: ‘Don’t waste Food. Food is God.’ Your body is made of food and you are the result of the food eaten by the parents. Food is God (Annam Brahma). Eat as much as it is necessary to eat. But do not throw away food by taking too much in your plate. By wasting food you will be wasting the energy Divine.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Believe that you are Divine; conduct yourselves in accordance with that sovereign status; then, you will be blessed with the Anubhuuthi---the experience, the vision, the realization, the awareness, the bliss.
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, October 11, 1972
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Dashara is the festival that celebrates the victory of the forces of the good over the foes that resist the progress of man towards light. The sages who have decided on these festivals have a high purpose. They want us to imbibe the inner meaning and use each day as a step in Sadhana, as a reminder of the journey, which each person has to undertake alone to the Feet of the Lord. The forces of good (Devas) are combating with the forces of evil (Asuras) in every living being and if they only rely on Mahashakti, the great Divine Force that fosters and fends the universe, they can easily win and reach goal." Sai Baba, SSS. Vol. V., p. 249, Discourse on 15 October 1966
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol.25/Ch. 30 , September 27, 1992
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Offering obeisance (Namaskar) also signifies, doing good deeds. What is the inner significance behind the worship of nature consisting of the three gunas - Satwa, Rajo and Tamo? Heart should be pure, words should be pure and actions should be pure. These are the three forms of the three Gunas. These three are also called the three instruments (Trikarnamulu). Purity of thought, word and deed would enable one to receive the grace of God.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Navaratri means nine nights. Darkness is associated with night. What is this darkness? It is the darkness of ignorance. The purpose of the Navarathri celebration is to enable man to get rid of nine types of darkness which have taken hold of him.