What is it?

A platform to inspire local rising star Media workers by bringing them to an International Media team and enhancing their skills and experience.​ ​

Who is it for?

For anyone active and enthusiastic about Media with solid existing knowledge and experience on local SSSIO teams.​ ​

Why we do it?

To foster new talents and improve quality of SSSIO Media channels overall.​ ​

What is the content?

Participants work on real projects with the Digital Media team and learn via continuous feedback. 


Design​ - Posters, Publications, Quotes​ 

Audio​ - Fixing, mixing, mastering, sound on videos​ 

Animation​ - Individual videos and enhancements to longer videos​ 

Video​ - Inspirational / abstract videos and events reporting​ 

Project Manager​ - Gather requirements, coordinate delivery, managing publication​ 

The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. Man’s foremost duty is to serve his fellowmen and make them happy. Your life will be redeemed only when you involve yourself in the service of society. The highest sadhana (spiritual practice) is to transform love into service.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, November 18, 1999


  • Week 1: Onboarding​ 

  • Weeks 2-14: Projects​ 

  • Bi-Weekly meeting of interns, mentors, and trainers to review current associate work in progress and case study of current SSSIO main projects 

  • Weeks 15-16: Portfolio review and graduation​ 

  • Graduates are added to a pool of potential helpers on future SSSIO projects. Some may have projects finishing right after the end.​ 


  • Two Media Academy style overview sessions to bring associates up to speed about SSSIO and the best practices and techniques they will be learning​ 

  • Create a Telegram chat for each associate with relevant participants​ 

  • Make standard SSSIO templates available​ 

Project information​ 

  • The first project would be a supporting role in an active SSSIO project depending on their level of expertise​ 

  • Associate’s ownership be as 100% as possible on subsequent ones 

Review Sessions​ 

  • Associate works with trainer(s) regularly during the week, and submits updates of their work to a shared folder. Mentors and other trainers add comments about the work. 

  • The bi-weekly review session will consist of looking at works in progress and recently completed items.​ 

  • Review sessions are conducted with the whole group of Associates so that they can learn from projects being worked on by others, even in topics that aren’t their areas of focus. Participation is required (some exceptions can be made). 


How to join? Please contact us at digital.media@sathyasai.org