Tuesday, November 30, 2021
If you are resolute in achieving your aims, objectives, or desires, you should never give up your efforts till your objectives are achieved and you should not be swayed by all kinds of passing thoughts. Only then will you be a true devotee!
Monday, November 29, 2021
Those who are in the Sai Organisations will be achieving their real purpose only when they rise above good and evil, look with equal regard upon all those around them and see divinity in them.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
It is only when a spiritual revolution takes place in man that the prosperity and welfare of the world can be achieved. If the mind of man is not reformed and purified, all plans to reform the world will be futile.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Give away Love to all, give up the ego, display heroism in service. With compassion to fellowmen, feel your intimate kinship with them. Visualize the Atma that illumines all and derive unending bliss therefrom.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Sacrifice, strength, and wisdom are qualities of the Divine. Use all your talents for the service of your country first and then do whatever you can for other countries.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
The Universe is the manifestation of God. In every human being exists Divinity, subtle and invisible. Association with good people and spiritual discipline are essential for discovering the Divinity that is latent in the individual.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
The real purpose of human life will be achieved only when all our time and all our efforts are concentrated on realizing the Divinity that is inherent in us. This realization is possible for every human being.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Plant the seeds of Love in your hearts, let them grow into trees of service and shower the sweet fruits of bliss. Share the bliss with all. That is the proper way to celebrate the Birthday.
Monday, November 22, 2021
The whole duty of man is to engage himself in good acts with the gross body, scatter good thoughts and good influences around him with his subtle body, and earn self-realization and Bliss through his causal body.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
If a man today is under the sway of sorrow and misery, his mind is responsible for it. Happiness and sorrow, affections and aversions, and the sensual pleasures that man experiences today arise out of his mind. Since the mind is filled with the sense of duality you suffer all these. When the mind is trained to see the oneness of all creation, there will not be perversions of any kind.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
If students wish to realize their true divine nature, they have to turn their minds to spiritual studies. Spiritual study (Atma Vidya) is not a separate branch of knowledge. As has been described in the Bhagavad Gita, it means seeing the Divine in the entire Universe.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Men should realise the high status of women and honour and respect them accordingly. They should not make women weep and shed tears. A home where the woman sheds tears will be ruined. Men should give an honourable place for women and lead a respectable life.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
You should develop friendship with God. If God is your friend, the whole world will be under your control. But today, the unfortunate ones are losing their friendship with God. It is not easy to make friendship with God. But you have to make every effort in this direction. Once you develop friendship with God, you have to take full advantage of it through spiritual practices. Do not waste time in idle talk.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Purity of thought, word, and deed is true wisdom. You don't need to undertake any other spiritual practice. People undertake various spiritual practices. But they confer only temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, when you have purity of thought, word, and deed, you will experience eternal happiness.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
In order to attain purity, it is not enough if chanting of the divine name is confined to a limited period. It has to be a continuous spiritual exercise throughout one’s life. Then only the divine name gets imprinted on one’s heart.
Monday, November 15, 2021
The power of the divine name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly. That is a mistake. One should not mistake a shining glass piece to be a diamond. The real diamond is altogether different. What is that diamond? ‘Die mind’. God’s name is the real diamond. Keep it safe and secure.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
You are most fortunate to participate in this Akhanda Bhajan. During normal days, bhajans are held in this hall both in the morning and in the evening. This is a great opportunity. Do not lose the opportunity of participating in the bhajan. If only you make good use of it, your life will be sanctified. The global Akhanda Bhajan is held only for this purpose every year.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
One has to understand what is meant by “Akhanda Bhajan”. There are two kinds of bhajans, Khanda Bhajan and Akhanda Bhajan. Khanda Bhajan is for a specific time, for example, the bhajans held for a limited period either in the morning or evening. On the other hand, Akhanda Bhajan involves constant contemplation on God in the morning, evening or even during the night time. It is constant contemplation on God during all the three states, the waking, dream and deep sleep.
Friday, November 12, 2021
You should chant the divine name whole heartedly with full faith. Faith develops love towards God and that love towards God confers human birth.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Once you seek refuge in the lotus feet of God, you should never give up. Wherever you go, the divine feet will protect you. If you install the divine name firmly in your heart, your life will become sanctified. That is devotion (Bhakti). That is your power (Shakti). That is liberation (Mukti).
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Do not ever be bothered by pain and suffering, losses and difficulties. They just come and go. That is not your real nature. Your innate Self is strong, eternal and real (sat). You should not follow the fleeting and unreal waves, forsaking your own true and eternal nature.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Your thoughts are like the passing clouds. Hence, keep your faith firmly fixed on God. If you develop love and faith towards God, there is nothing in the world that you cannot achieve. By faith and love, you can even change the earth into sky and the sky into earth.
Monday, November 8, 2021
You may attend to your daily routine. But, while attending to your duties in your own house or in the outside world, you must constantly remind yourself that “whatever I do, think or speak, everything belongs to God.”
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Never seek to exult over others' faults, deal sympathetically with the errors and mistakes of others. Seek the good in others, hear only good tidings about them, do not give ear to scandal.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Do not get elated at the riches, status, authority, intelligence, etc., which you may have. Consider that they have been given to you on trust, so that you may benefit others. They are all signs of His Grace, opportunities of service, symbols of responsibility.
Friday, November 5, 2021
Spiritual renunciation or the inward path (Nivrithi) confers fearlessness, even while you accept a little of it. It gives strength and courage, for, it is desire that weakens man and makes him cringe before those in authority and with influence. Detachment endows you with self-respect, and the capacity to stand up to slander and calumny.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
The human being is a composite of man and beast and God, and in the inevitable struggle among the three for ascendency, you must ensure that God wins, suppressing the merely human and the lowly beast. This festival of Deepavali is to express gratitude at the defeat of the demonic (naraka) tendencies in man, which drag him down from Divinity.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Demonic tendencies pile upon man misery after misery, while Divinity warns him against yielding to despair on that account. They have to be welcomed as beneficial, for misery is the crucible in which the dross is removed and the pure gold separated from alloys.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
If you develop love for all beings, in the faith that God resides in all, you may be anywhere else, but your prayers would reach me and my grace will reach you.
Monday, November 1, 2021
It is a hard job to maintain a false stand and so, it is always safe to be straight and honest. Do not take the first false step and then be led, on and on, to perdition. Truth is one's real nature and when you are yourself, there comes a great flood of joy welling up within you.