Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Your actions should be in harmony with your words. Develop sacred feelings. Only then can you perform sacred activities. Devotion does not mean merely performing rituals like worship. Any work done with pure and selfless love is devotion.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
All the good and bad that you come across in the external world are just your own reflections. So, do not point an accusing finger at others. The whole world depends on one’s behavior. If one is good, so too will the world be.
Monday, August 14, 2023
Self-confidence is the foundation for the mansion of life. Once you have Self-confidence, you can raise the walls of Self-satisfaction over which you can lay the roof of self-sacrifice and lead a life of Self-realization. Hence, lay the foundation of Self-confidence strong and sturdy.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Love all beings – that is enough. Love with no expectation of return. Love for the sake of love. Love because your very nature is love. Love because that is the form of worship you know and like. When others are happy, be happy likewise. When others are in misery, try to alleviate their lot to the best of your ability. Practice love through seva (selfless service). By this means, you will realize unity and get rid of the ego.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
The service activities that we undertake are meant to experience unity in society. It is a great mistake if you think that you are serving others. In fact, you should not consider anybody as ‘other,’ for all are the embodiments of divinity. But people are not making efforts to realize this truth. Hence, one is subjected to difficulties.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Everyone should regard himself as a messenger of God and try to lead an ideal life. This means that one has to give up selfishness and self-interest. This may not be easy. But with God's grace, it is possible to progress toward Self-realization gradually.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
If you must bring the power from the powerhouse to your residence to illumine your place, you must put up poles at regular intervals and connect the house with the powerhouse with cables. So too, if you must win the grace of God, do spiritual practice (sadhana) at regular timings, and connect yourself with God by the cable of remembering the Lord (smarana).
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Purity of the heart is more important than all rituals and penances. Develop a vision that will broaden your heart and enable you to help others and not hurt them. Dedicate all actions to God. Sacrifice is real oneness with the divine. To enjoy things without sharing with others is a disease. The Vedas have declared that immortality can be attained only through sacrifice and not by any other means.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Everyone should have faith in the divine. Faith is essential for anyone, whether one is a theist or an atheist. People may judge things as good or bad according to their own predilections. But for God all things are the same. In this world, nothing will appear bad if one views it from the divine point of view.
Monday, August 7, 2023
Love ever, hurt never. Do not do anything that is contrary to the principle of love. Love is God. Live in love. Consider love as God. Salute whomever you come across, even if they are your enemy. Love even your enemy. Whomsoever you salute, it will reach God, for God is in all. With these sacred feelings, do not have hatred toward anyone.
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Do not pollute your mind with worldly desires. You have attained this human birth because of meritorious deeds done in past lives. Do not misuse it. Human life is highly valuable. Keep up its value by practicing human values.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
If the matchstick is soaked in water, how can it ignite when struck? If the mind is soaked in worldly desires, how can it be ignited into spiritual endeavor? If the divine love (prema) with which you are endowed is confined to the world, it will be absorbed up soon by the sands of envy, greed, and malice. Divine love (prema) must be directed toward God; only then can it expand, grow, deepen, and fertilize all your actions and benefit all those around you.
Friday, August 4, 2023
You are all Sath-Chith-Ananda Swarupa (embodiments of existence-consciousness-bliss), but you are unaware of it and imagine yourself to be this individual or that, subjected to this limitation or that! This is the myth that must be explored in order that divine life may start. Divine life does not admit the slightest dross in character or delusion in intellect. So, people dedicated to it must emphasize this by precept and example.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Love is God. Live in love. Start the day with love. Spend the day with love. End the day with love. This is the way to God. Only the person who is filled with love will be dear to the Lord.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Know that waking from sleep is but birth, and going into sleep is death. On waking, pray every morning of your life, “Oh Lord, I am born now from the womb of sleep. I am determined to carry out all tasks this day as offerings to Thee, with Thee ever present before my mind’s eye. Make my words, thoughts, and deeds sacred and pure. Let me not inflict pain on anyone; let no one inflict pain on me. Direct me, guide me, this day.” And when you enter the portals of sleep at night, pray, “Oh Lord! The tasks of this day, whose burden I placed on you this morning, are over. It was You who made me walk and talk and think and act. I, therefore, place at Thy feet all my words, thoughts, and deeds. My task is done. Receive me, I am coming back to you.” Adopt these as your daily prayers.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
When the sun is over your head, there will be no shadow; similarly, when faith is steady in your head, it should not cast any shadow of doubt. When one loses their way and strays into the wilderness, believing that one is the body or the qualities or the object, then the Avatar comes to warn and guide. Keep faith in the Lord undiminished; you can then safely move about in the world. No harm can come to you!
Monday, July 31, 2023
Everyone must develop the spirit of sacrifice (thyaga). You must serve the people with your body. You must cherish good and noble thoughts in your mind. You must use your wealth for supporting educational and other institutions to help the people. Give food to the starving. This is the way to lead a purposeful and sublime life.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Serve all and love all. Firmly believe that the divine is in everyone and constantly act on this belief. Only by continual practice you can develop this sacred attitude. Fill yourself with Self-confidence and courage. Make your life a complete offering to the divine, who is the real source of all that you are and all that you have.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Take refuge in God. Let God be your guru, your path, your Lord. Adore God, obey God’s commands, offer God your grateful homage, and hold God fast in your memory. This is the easiest way to realize God as your own reality. This is the one and only way.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Divine love (prema) is the spring that feeds the roots of all the virtues. When each of your acts, the words that you utter, the thoughts that shape your desires and emotions - when all these draw sustenance from the roots that go deep into the inner springs of love, then you will be happy and fresh, and you can give shelter and shade to many a weary mortal.
Thursday, July 27, 2023
When one realizes the inefficiency of the senses, mind, and intellect to cope with the reality and know the inner core of God’s truth, then one realizes that there is God who is the basis of all this superstructure, who has designed and contrived all this. One then surrenders the ego to God. "Let Your will prevail," one proclaims and resigns fully to God’s plan. That moment is a supreme moment of joy and bliss.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Live with love (prema), in love and, for love. Then the Lord who is divine love personified (premaswarupa) will grant you all that you need despite you not asking for anything. God knows; God is the mother who does not wait to hear the moan of the child to feed. God’s love is so vast and deep; God anticipates every need and rushes with help you need.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
You have to recognize these three. First is that which once comes, then never goes. The second, once goes, then never comes back. The third, neither comes nor goes. The first is wisdom (jnana), the second is ignorance (ajnana) and the third is the principle of the Atma. Atma is steady and eternal, it never changes.
Monday, July 24, 2023
The body is the basic instrument for the practice of right action (dharma). Dedicate your entire time to service and the discharge of your duties. Your spiritual practice (sadhana) must not be for selfish ends. It must promote the good of others. By giving up selfishness, and cultivating selfless love for others, sanctify your lives.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
The best thing is to have your own Self as the source of light, as the guru. The inner intelligence, the inner guru will reveal the truth. This prayerful attitude will so educate your impulses that your Inner Intelligence will be fully revealed.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
By understanding the nature of a flame, you can understand the nature of fire. By examining a drop of water, you know the nature of the Ganges. Likewise, by understanding the true nature of humanness, you can understand divinity.
Friday, July 21, 2023
The waves appearing in an ocean appear as different from each other. But they consist of the same water. Likewise, though humanity appears in innumerable forms, all these are like the waves appearing on the ocean of being-awareness-bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). Names and forms may be different, but the basis is the same.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Do not go in search of gurus. Strengthen your faith in the Atma. Seek to enjoy the Atmic bliss. Strive to develop the conviction: "I am the Atma." That is the true message. When you have grasped this truth, all other things will be unnecessary. For experiencing this guru, there are no restrictions as to time, place, or circumstances.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Try to be near God, as close as God’s own kin, do not calculate the number of hours you have spent in serving God, and pine that God has not compensated you. Be ever in God’s service, that is to say, in doing good and being good.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
You can worship your parents and realize the Lord through that spiritual practice. They are your creators and guides and teachers and protectors, and by idealizing them, you can grasp the truth of the Lord, the Primeval Parent.