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SSSIHMS Bangalore:


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Since the grand opening of the hospital on 19 January 2001, thousands of patients have flocked to the hospital. Thousands of patients, both cardiac and neuro, are treated on a daily basis as outpatients. The operational procedure broadly is on the following lines.

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  • The outpatients are first examined and filtered through the screening clinics located within the premises of the Institute itself. Patients identified as needing cardiac or neuro care are taken into the out-patient department of the main hospital building.

  • The outpatients are then consulted by cardiac and neuro specialists as the case may be and, if necessary, are sent for various diagnostic tests like Echo, ECG, and EEG. The post-test consultation begins in the afternoon after the results of the tests have arrived. The patients are then given expert opinion by senior doctors.

  • If the patient is an emergency case and needs surgery immediately, then they are admitted tothe ward. Otherwise, they are given a later date to revisit the hospital. Depending on the condition of the patient and seniority in the hospital records, the patients needing surgery are informed to visit the hospital on a particular date through an intimation letter.

  • After treatment, all patients are given proper education and counseling and then referred back to their homes and the local primary health centres to provide for basic needs and follow-up.