Collection of Divine stories, miracles and Experiences of Devotees with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
Christmas with Sai
True Spirit of Christmas in Sai’s Presence❗
See Everyone as Divine
"Lasting Happiness Comes Only From Swami" - A devotee from The Netherlands.
Divine Grace
A devotee's account of divine grace and karmic burden.
Sai Baba Will Never Disappoint His Devotee
Love is your sole refuge wherever you may be, in a forest, in the sky, in a city or a village, on the top of a mountain or in the middle of deep sea.
Journey to Self-Realization - Part 1
Mr Jonathan's three parts spiritual journey to Sri Sathya Sai Baba and all the fellow spiritual pilgrims on the path to Self-Realization.
Journey to Self-Realization - Part 2
Mr Jonathan's three parts spiritual journey to Sri Sathya Sai Baba and all the fellow spiritual pilgrims on the path to Self-Realization.
Journey to Self-Realization - Part 3
Mr Jonathan's three parts spiritual journey to Sri Sathya Sai Baba and all the fellow spiritual pilgrims on the path to Self-Realization.
Faith and Trust in God
A divine vision granted by cosmic Sai‼
My Journey to Swami
A miracles galore witnessed & experienced by Honorable Justice Ajay Prakash Misra.
Baba, the Great Surgeon!
A devotee shares how he had the vision of Prasanthi Nilayam before he even visited it, and how Bhagawan cured him of his chronic ailment in a dream without any medicine or surgery.
Unconditional Love Without Judging
A devotee narrates his vision of Swami, in a dream, blessing devotees with unconditional love, even before it happened.
Divine Mother and Father
"He taught us the need for unity in the family, which is vital for individual and social happiness and emphasized the need for marital fidelity." - Dr. Castaneda
He Loved Me Just the Same
"Swami's life is a beautiful example of practicing love for love's sake." which is a valuable lesson learned from Swami. – Harish Naidu
Mother Sai My Eternal Companion
"As Swami emphasized the importance of women in spirituality and society, I realized the importance of living a life that embodies Sai values." - A Sai sister's journey with her eternal mother.
Guru of Gurus
Heart to heart connection opened by Swami's voice and bhajans!
The Goal of Spiritual Life
John Hislop describes the power of the cross materialized by Swami ✞
My Journey to the Sai within our Eternal Companion
I had an abstract understanding that the objective world was unreal and non-existent, but I knew nothing about God or had anything else to believe in. I was carefree and content, but also rudderless. Then, one day...
Guru Shows the Way to Truth and Divine Bliss
Over 35 years in His presence and His organization has granted me the most valuable gift of all: oneness with my Guru to experience divine bliss, Brahmānandam.
Faith and Gayatri
Not only is he our Sanathana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer), but also our vehicle's charioteer! This is a nerve-wracking account of a devotee's experience with Gayatri Amma's grace.
Swami and the picture of Jesus Christ
A brother's inquisitiveness got authentic picture of Jesus Christ!