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Sathya Sai Ideal Healthcare

coverphotoSathya Sai Ideal Healthcare is a collection of 20 discourses that touch on health and two discussions of Sai healthcare. The book is beautifully designed, with many pictures. The low-resolution pdf file can be viewed nicely on the web. The high-resolution pdf file is suitable for printing.

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Table of contents

1. Practise human values for healthy living. 21 Sept 1960

2. The miracle of Sai love. 5 Oct 1967

3. Bhagavan's guide to a healthy life. 12 Oct 1969

4. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. 16 Oct 1974

5. Good hygiene leads to good health. 28 Aug 1976

6. Food and health. 21 Sept 1979

7. Simple living ensures good health. 30 Sept 1981

8. The jewel in the iron safe. 20 Nov 1982

9. Sound mind, sound body. 25 July 1983

10. How to win the Lord's grace. 23 Nov 1991

11. Integral approach to human ailments. 6 Feb 1993

12. Prevention is better than cure. 7 Feb 1993

13. Observe purity, patience, and perseverance for good health. 21 Jan 1994

14. Service to man is service to God. 23 Jan 1994

15. Good doctor becomes God doctor. 3 Jun 1995

16. Treat patients with love. 18 Dec 1995

17. Human effort and God's grace. 19 Jan 2001

18. Safeguard the health of the mother and child. 10 June 2001

19. Spirit of sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor. 5 July 2003

20. Eschew body attachment. 3 Sep 2005.

Sathya Sai ideal healthcare

Sathya Sai global healthcare mission