Team, with help from John Behner and Arturo Salazar
The “Little Venice” of
South America
When Christopher Columbus sighted
its coast way back in 1498, he was so enthralled by its landscape
that he called it as Tierra de Gracia (or
the Land of Grace), which has today become Venezuela’s
nickname. The name “Venezuela”, which means “Little
Venice” in Spanish, was actually given by European
explorers who on their arrival observed local Indian houses
on stilts along the shores of Lake Maracaibo, which reminded
them of the city of Venice. Lake Maracaibo, incidentally,
is the largest natural lake in South America, with an area
of more than 13000 sq. km. Before we go more into Venezuela’s
splendid natural beauty and later into Venezuela’s
Sai story, let us first get familiar with the early history
of this Spanish speaking nation situated at the top of the
South American continent, which shares its borders with Brazil,
Columbia, and Guyana.
The first settlers in Venezuela
were Indian tribes related to the Mayas from the North and
Incas from the south. These peoples were governed by chiefs
and were people who were childlike in their ways, friendly,
brave in the face of difficulty, and basically a society
that lived by farming, fishing, and killing game.
Venezuela in South
by the Spanish
In 1492, three ships landed
on the Carribbean island of Guanani. These were “La
Pinta”, “La Nina”, and “La Santa
These ships brought Europeans, principally Spaniards, commanded
by Cristobal Colon. They had been commissioned by the Catholic
Royalty of Spain, Fernando and Isabelo. The Spanish, with
their superior weapons, were able to subdue the natives and
killed the chiefs. The Indians became domestic slaves. Also
negros were brought from Africa to work the land but as bonded
slaves, and with time, both the Indians and the Africans
were absorbed into a mixture known as mestizos, which can
still be observed today.
After colonization took place,
because of the injustices committed by the Spanish, a group
of patriots or rebels sprang up in protest. They were led
by Simon Bolivar, an idealist who was educated in Europe
and was able to inspire his followers. He was from a wealthy
family and utilized his wealth and connections in Europe
to get arms. They fought many battles, and finally theytriumphed
at the battle of Carabobo on the 24 June 1821. This
battle was coordinated by Bolivar with other battles in Bolivia,
Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru.
Venezuelans - A
happy nation
The Spanish were overextended, so
that not only Venezuela,\ but also the countries of Bolivia, Ecuador,
Peru, and Colombia were freed from Spanish yoke. One of the new
government’s first acts was to free all slaves. The government
also allowed freedom of worship, which allowed the Catholic religion
to continue, with the priests supporting the new government.
Tierra De Gracia -
The Land of Grace
Venezuela is a country with much
natural beauty typified by the mountain El Avila, which has a
huge cross built on its top and serves as a park and green zone
for the city of Caracas, the largest city and the capital of Venezuela.
Los Roques is a splendid coral reef in the Caribbean Sea, where
divers can find diverse fish species. The beeches of Mochima and
Morrocoy would tempt any swimmer. In Canaima,
Venezuela hosts the Angel Falls – the highest free-leaping
waterfall in the world at 3212 feet, with an uninterrupted drop
of 2646 feet. There is a famous cave called Guacharo, in Monagas
Angels falls -
highest in the world
Bolivar peak -
always beautiful
The city of Coro was named by UNESCO
as a world cultural and historic site because of the colonial architecture
preserved there; also the beautiful Bolivar Mountain is always
covered with snow, being a peak in the Andean chain, which starts
in Venezuela but runs all the way to the tip of Chile in the South.
This is where we have the longest ski lift in the world.
In the south of Venezuela, there
is the world famous Amazon jungle and a natural cave called Jaspe.
It is one of those regions of the world with large areas of flora
and fauna, where animals are able to live in their natural surroundings
without being disturbed by man. The country is also blessed with
large rivers such as the Orinoco, Cuyuni ,and Caroni which has
facilitated hydro-electricity for its numerous industries and homes.
Fascinating sand
dunes near the city of Coro
Splendid Amazon
- River, forest, et al.
The Land of Riches
Venezuela is naturally very rich
with mines of gold, silver, diamonds, copper, zinc, lead, and other
metals. The country has a large steel and aluminium industry which
uses the alloys from the mines. In the town of El Callao, the mother
of one devotee tells of how, when she was a child, she and other
children would find small pieces of gold after it rained in the
mud that would run in the streets, and they would exchange these
pieces of gold for candies from the shop keepers. In 1939, petroleum
was discovered, and this brought a great deal of wealth to the
countr,y accounting for roughly one-third of GDP, around 80% of
export earnings, and over half of government operating revenues.
Agriculture produces very good cocoa for chocolates, coffee,
corn, rice, peanuts, potatoes, yucca, and diverse tropical fruits.
of Virgin Mary
About 200 years ago, the Virgin
Mary appeared to an Indian named Coromoto, and since then
the Virgin of Coromoto has become the patron saint of Venezuela.
More recently, about 20 years ago, the Virgin Mary again
appeared at a farm called Betania, and this place has become
a tourist place for the faithful.
Pope John Paul II visited Venezuela
twice and declared the beatification of Mother Maria of
San Jose during one of his visits. With a predominant Christian
population, processions with Jesus on the Cross and Mother
Mary winding their way down the streets in many towns and
cities are a common sight during Easter in this country.
Virgin Mary of
Venezuelans – Always
Smiling And Spontaneous
The Venezuela of today has a population
of over 26 million people blessed with many renowned universities
and hospitals. There is a symphony orchestra, and also a youth
symphony orchestra, which has gained much fame even in Europe.
Its director, Gustavo Dudamel, has received the international award, “the
ring of Beethoven”. Venezuelans are characterized
for their good humor, big smiles, superstitiousness, and spontaneity.
Populated with peace loving people, Venezuela has never been in
a war with its neighbours.
The Sai Saga
in Venezuela
So how did Swami come to be
known in this beautiful nation? Arlette Meyer and Mrs. Elizabeth
Palmer and her family visited Sathya Sai Baba in 1972. Mrs.
Palmer learned of Sai Baba from Indra Devi and visited Him
in 1968 and 1970, when she had the fortunate experience of
riding in the car with Swami. She also knew what to take,
such as foodstuffs, sleeping mats, kitchen utensils, etc.,
since living conditions those days were still quite primitive
for foreign travellers. Because of her prior visits, Mrs.
Palmer was given a flat in the ashram in which everyone somehow
managed to fit in. There was no western toilet, but such
inconveniences were part of the game of adapting to a culture
far different from the West.
Arlette had only read one issue
of Sanathana Sarathi and still did not know much
about Sai Baba, but when she saw Him giving darshan from the balcony after the evening arathi in the
temple, she felt a wave of energy pass through her and began
to cry.
following day, December 24, 1972, Swami gave His famous
discourse in which He declared that He was the one of
whom Jesus said, “The
one who sent me will come again.” The very
next evening, a foreigner came to the flat and asked if
the translator was there. Arlette said she was a translator
by profession.
The person said, “Good, then
you can translate Swami’s books.” He suggested Sai
Baba, Man of Miracles. The idea began to take form, but she
thought she should ask Swami’s permission first.
During an interview, Swami asked her, “What
is your name?” When she answered, “Arlette,” Swami
joked, “Arlette, not omelet,” which made everyone
laugh. She asked Baba if she could translate the
book into Spanish, and He said, “Yes, do it, it is
your duty.”
Ten months later, Arlette was back in Prasanthi
Nilayam with Man of Miracles translated into Spanish,
but without knowing how to publish it. As fate, or Swami’s
will, would have it, she ran into Gail and Luis Muniz from
Mexico, who were there to ask permission to translate and
publish some of Baba’s books into Spanish.
She handed Luis a photocopy of her translation
and told him, “Here’s the first one.” In
1974, during an interview, Swami blessed the first published
Spanish translation about Him and told Arlette to continue
translating the Sathya Sai Speaks series. On this
same trip, Swami also instructed her to open a Sai Center
and offered her a big package of vibhuti and prasad.
Gail Muniz from Mexico (left)
and Arlette Meyer from
Venezuela with Swami
‘Quality Not
After consulting with Dr. Hislop,
a very senior member of Sai Organisation, Arlette opened the first
Sai Center in Venezuela in Caracas on August 22, 1974. The seven
members met in her apartment and sang bhajans to cassettes
recorded by Janet Bock and studied the Sathya Sai Speaks.
In a later interview, Swami asked how the Sai Center was doing
and was informed that very few people were coming. He replied, “We
don’t want quantity, but quality.” When He asked who
was singing in the Center, He was told, “You, Swami.” He
then encouraged the group to sing the bhajans on their own instead
of using the tapes, and that is when the group began learning bhajans in earnest.
Few people attended the little Sai
Center, but when the first shipments of Sai Baba, Man of Miracles arrived
from Mexico and were distributed, little by little, the number
started growing. Arlette continued the translation work ,and soon
the Spanish collection of Sai Literature grew: Sathya Sai Speaks
Volume I (1977), Gita Vahini (1978), Summer Roses
on the Blue Mountains (1976), Conversations with Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba (1980), Sathya Sai Speaks Volume II (1980)
and in the subsequent years other Sathya Sai Speaks till SSS
Vol. VII on 1990, etc. Since the address and telephone number
of the Sai Center were noted in the books, gradually more attendees
showed up. Initially, all this was done on a typewriter, since
until 1985 Arlette did not have a computer.
Arlette attended the Second World Conference
of Sai Organizations as the delegate for Venezuela in 1975.
At that time, the front of the Mandir (Temple)
had been completely redecorated, additional rooms had been
added, the Poorna Chandra auditorium was being decorated,
and the 50 foot Sarva
Dharma Stupa was under construction, which Baba inaugurated
on November 23. For that occasion, Swami flew in a helicopter,
which landed in front of the Mandir.
She had been put up in the flat of a lady
from Zimbabwe , in the South-I building, directly in front
of the Poorna Chandra, so Arlette was able to film the
arrival of Swami and His darshan at the Stupa
and Poorna Chandra. The crowd was so huge that He could
hardly move because many people were camping out there.
Later, during the inauguration of the World Conference,
she had the honour and joy of garlanding Swami in the name
of Venezuela.
Arletter Meyer
garlanding Swami during
the 50th Birthday Celebrations
The Organisation
Begins to Blossom
Back home, on the last Saturday of
each month, a public meeting was held for viewing the movie that
Arlette had filmed on her first trip. Also, during Thursday meetings,
there were short readings of Swami’s messages; a bhajan manual
with 271 bhajans in Sanskrit and a few in Spanish were prepared
to facilitate the bhajan learning process.
All this had its own impact, and
new people started coming until the numbers became so great that
people could not get into the apartment. Of course, people started
coming to the centres not just out of curiosity or because they
like bhajans but because Swami, in His own mysterious
way, was personally touching their lives. Just take the case of
this lady devotee, for instance.
Sai Comes To The Rescue of
The Forlorn
One single mother with
two small children came to the Sai Center at Sabana Grande
because she was at the end of her rope. She had cancer
and was dying, she had these two small children, and she
did not have any place to live. Her home was a cardboard
shack. She started attending bhajans and the study
circle. The devotees loaned her a book to read. She had
her head wrapped in a towel because all her hair had fallen
out from cobalt treatments. One da,y someone told her that
the government had offered to give free apartments to the
poor. She went to the building, which had 24 apartments,
and there was a crowd of thousands waiting to get an apartment.
She had gone there with her two children and was holding
the book that had Sai Baba’s picture on the cover.
The government officials told
the people waiting outside that there were too many people
and no more could come inside. There was a big push, and
she was shoved inside with the kids.
One of the government
people saw her with Swami’s book and asked her if
she believed in miracles and that she would receive an
apartment! It is a nice two bedroom flat, and the devotees
furnished it with a refrigerator, beds, and other necessities.
She thanks Swami for everything because now her cancer
is gone too!
Whenever the prayer is sincere,
there is response from the Divine. The Lord knows what is
best for His devotee and waits for the right time to do the
right thing for the devotee.
By Grace and with His love,
the Lord attracts those who need Him. So by 1983, attendance
was up 80 people on Thursdays. Shortly thereafter, space was
rented in Edificio Acapulco, First Floor, Apartment 1, in Sabana
Grande boulevard in Caracas. In August 1985, the Sai Centre moved
there, where it is still functioning.
Activities at the Sabana Grande Center
included study circles and bhajan practice sessions on
particular days of week and one and half hour of bhajans and
meditation on Sundays. Public meetings were held on the last Saturday
of the month. Also on Sundays, devotees did selfless service on
Sunday mornings in an area near town and once a month they visited
the senior citizen’s home. During the late 1980’,s
the number of centres proliferated, and it became necessary to
appoint a Coordinating Committee for the country.
In Human Values’ Enters and Expands
In 1983, Arlette went to the
international Symposium in Rome on “Unity Is Divinity – Purity
Is Enlightenment” organized in October by Dr. Antonio
Craxi, President of the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organization
of Italy. She learned there that a Workshop for the Training
Teachers of Education in Human Values was to be held in Los
Angeles, U.S.A. shortly. The Center decided to send Ms. Pili
García for this workshop. Ms. Pili returned with a
copy of the Teacher’s Handbook for Education in
Human Values, and thus Education In Human Values in
Venezuela started taking shape.
Arlette translated the material
prepared by U.S. devotees, and a program of 30 classes was
prepared to work with EHV in schools (Lesson Plans for
Education in Human Values International Edition). Five
more classes were added, one for each human value, using
Venezuelan songs and stories in order to adapt them to the
country’s culture.
Education In Human
Bal Vikas classes were also initiated.
For this, the program that had been prepared by Rebeca and Monique
Muñiz from Mexico was used, as well as the Human Values
Education series published by the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Education
Trust. At one point, there were up to 56 children attending at
different levels.
“In September 1987, we organized
the First Workshop of EHV for School Teachers. Prof. Angel Bracho,
Supervisor, Direction of Primary Education of the Ministry of Education,
and more than 50 persons took part,” say the enthusiastic
Sai devotees.
EHV Workshop in Caracus, Venezuela held on Sept. 18th
- 20th, 1987
After this Workshop, another was
held in Maracay, organized by Gustavo González and María
de Los Angeles Ramoni in November of that year at the Instituto
Pedagogico Universitario El Libertador, UPEL, with the assistance
of 38 teachers. Later, various workshops were held in different
cities like Margarita, Barquisimeto, and San Cristobal, including
in Caracas, the capital.
EHV Workshop
in Maracay at the UPEL University (Teachers College)
in November 1987
In the year 1992 a national
meeting of devotees was organized in Caracas, which was held
at El Laurel Center by the National Team of Education. Bro.
Daniel Coifman of Argentina, coordinator of Education of
the Latin American Council was the special guest at this
meeting. There, some devotees made an exposition on the Origin
and the Unity of Religions; the other members of the team
worked in the workshops on each of the Human Values. Another
workshop was held in Maturin in the East with administrators
and directors of the Ministry of Education.
In 2005, the
minister of foreign affairs of Venezuela and his wife visited Swami
and were blessed with a private audience with Swami. Mr.
Oskar Dorta, the president of the Sathya Sai Foundation of
Venezuela was also present in that precious interview with
Swami. It would be interesting to note that the minister
of education and his wife are also devotees of Swami and
visit Prasanthi Nilayam frequently.
Education In Human values programmes, by His grace, is taking
giant strides in this South American nation.
Communicating His
In addition, the Sai Organisation
in Venezuela has organized Public Meetings to inform the public
about Swami and His work in several cities such as Caracas, Maracay,
Maracaibo, Barquismeto, Cumana, Ciudad, Bolivar, Puerto Ordaz,
Merida, and Margarita Island, which have been attended
by more than 3,000 people.
Public Meeting in Opera Theatre
at Maracay in 1998
Dr. Goldstein sharing his experiences...
A section of the crowd
Dr. Betty Richard, first woman Central
Coordinator of
South American Sai Organisation
Office bearers of Sai Organisation in a
Ms. Maria de Los Angeles Ramoni who headed
the pilot programme on Human Values with the Ministry of
Sai literature in Spanish and other languages
for the
public meeting attendees.
Sai School In Venezuela – Training
Young Minds
So that was how some of the groundwork
was laid. Now let's fast forward to 2006. Presently there is a
Sai School in Abejales, in the state of Tachira, which is run by
a Sai Foundation and was started by Ukrania Ramirez and her husband
Pedro. The school has 4 grades at this time and 144 students. It
is a shining example for the Ministry of Education. “A high
school is planned and some more buildings will be constructed to
make way for the expansion. There is so much love here, which flows
both ways from teachers to the children and vice versa. Even the
gardener has been transformed. His behaviour was not satisfactory,
but he was given a second chance to practice human values in his
life. Now, his wife works in the kitchen where wonderful vegetarian
meals are prepared, his two sons are students at the school,
and his life has become changed for the better,” say the
Sai devotees with satisfaction writ large on their faces.
Sai School of Venezuela – The “U.E School
of Human Values” in Abejales, in the state of Tachira
The school students learn to pray and
A regular class in progress
They have special music lessons
Having lunch in their dining room
All the children join in a play
Having fun outdoors
The shining and smiling
blossoms of Sai Educare
of practising human values and love, one girl in 2nd grade
went home to find her mother killing a chicken for dinner.
She told her mother that she was not going to eat the chicken
and that this was violence to the poor animals. Her mother
and the whole family have now become vegetarians.
Institute of Human Values – An Example For Emulation
There is an Institute of
Human Values dedicated to the training of teachers. And now the
minister of education (and his wife), who is in charge of the
national curricula, have become Swami’s devotees. They
have given the Sai Institute of Human Values the job of training
teachers in pilot schools whose students will have their behavior
compared to other public schools that are not in the program.
There is a strong team of teacher
trainers in various parts of the country carrying out the training.
And the Institute also continues to train the college students
who are preparing for a teaching career. Mr. Victor Kanu, the founder
of Sathya Sai School of Zambia, visited Venezuela recently, and
the “Miracle School of Zambia” has become an example
for the Venezuelan Education Ministry. The Minister and his wife
will visit Zambia in October 2006.
Service Activities
Gain Momentum
Service activities started first
in Caracas after the centre moved to Sabana Grande. In the early
1990’s it was decided to start a service where all the devotees
from different centres could participate together. It was decided
to visit a large public hospital with 5 floors. Different groups
of devotees would go to different floors and pray with the patients
and some groups sang songs, others passed out refreshments and
helped cheer up all patients.
This service eventually lead to medical
camps which were carried out by Sai doctors (including non-devotees
who believe in service to society) in different sections of the
city and also in the interior. Then some of the doctors who are
eye specialists decided to start offering free cataract operations.
Camp In Caracus, Venezuela
Registration in progress
Children being examined at the Camp
Patients were selected from the poorest
areas, people who could never afford such an operation. One eye
clinic of prestige decided to help and allow the Sai doctors to
operate on Sundays when the clinic was closed. There have been
over 120 cataract operations now, with lens implants given completely
without cost to the patients. And these people are so grateful
because finally they can see again, and be useful.
Operations in Caracus
A patient showing his gradatude
Waiting to have the Cataract Operation
Volunteers share their love...
A patient in smiles after her Operation
To see a video of the Sai
Medical Camp and free cataract operations done
at Caracus, Venezuela,
Click Here [3.54
[Wait a minute or two for the video
to play on your computer]
The Organisation undertakes
various other service activities all round the year in the true
spirit of Love All Serve All. The devotees visit Children’s
homes, serve the homeless and orphaned with food, do special
medical camps for geriatric people, donate blood to hospitals,
and regularly do Narayana seva – serving food
to the needy.
Service Activities In Venezuela
Distributing special kits to expectant
Donating Blood to Hospitals
Taking care of the geriatric population...
Getting the eye check up done of an oldwoman
Visiting children's home
Playing with the Children at their home
Serving food to the homeless and helpless
Visiting orphanages and giving joy
On numerous occasions,
Swami has demonstrated His omnipresence in different ways and
enthused them to continue the noble work with unceasing zeal.
Take the following episode, for instance -
Want Her to Serve Me’
Once service activities were
being held in a rural area, and food
was prepared for more than 100 people. One of the lady devotees
had a dream about Swami the night prior to the service, in
which He said He would come for dinner the next day. The
following day, when she was cooking, an old man with a grey
beard showed up at the backdoor to the kitchen at about 4:00
p.m. and asked for food.
One of the volunteers relayed
this to the devotee who was cooking and she said to ask the
old man to come back in an hour because the food was not
yet ready. An hour later he returned and the lady who was
cooking sent him a plate of food with the volunteer. However,
the old man said “No, I want her to serve me”,
indicating the devotee who had the dream and was cooking.
She was very busy but stopped to take the plate to the old
man who said “Thank
you” and turned and walked into the tall grass behind
the backdoor.When the devotee turned to go back to work,
she suddenly recalled her dream, and cried out, “It’s
Swami. He came as Shirdi Baba!” She opened the door
and ran into the tall grass calling for Swami, but He had
already disappeared.
Sai Miracles are a worldwide
phenomenon and Venezuela is no exception. How Swami rescued
a devotee from an imminent danger narrated below is very
Shirdi Baba
One devotee was trying to sell her
house for two years. She finally complained to Swami asking why
He didn’t send her a buyer. That same afternoon, when she
was driving home from the University where she worked, about two
blocks from her home while she was waiting for a traffic light,
a man in the next car rolled down his window and asked her if she
knew of any houses for sale in the neighborhood. She said “Just
follow me”.
You guessed it, he bought her house.
She and her husband then moved to an apartment which was close
to the beach but outside of town. After living there for a couple
of years, this same devotee thought “How selfish of me, staying
here without any problems while my husband has to drive up to the
city everyday in all the traffic”. She told her husband that
night that they should move back to the city for his work. He agreed
so she got busy packing and after two weeks contracted a big truck
to take all their things up to the city. When the truck was just
finished loading, it started to rain. It was
a rain that lasted 5 days and caused an enormous landslide which
destroyed thousands of lives and homes. Their building was covered
up to the 5 th floor by the mud slide. But Swami had saved their
Sai Guards,
Guides, and Gives Solace
Every Sai devotee in
Venezuela, just like in any other country, has his or her
own story to narrate. The way God reaches to different
people is so mysterious and magnificent. This is what an
office bearer of Venezuelan Sai Organisation narrated to
Heart2Heart recently -
“In 1997 I became conscious
of Swami’s existence. But, at that time, I still used
to go to bars and have some beers with my friends. On one
occasion, a friend of mine and I went to a bar in my hometown.
He told me,'You must be careful with the car'. I answered,
'Don’t worry. A friend of mine is going to take care
of it (referring to Swami)'. We had drunk some beers when
suddenly I remembered the car. I decided to go and see if
everything was alright. When I opened the door of the bar,
a security guard with an afro haircut, looking at me with
deep eyes, was standing in front of me.
I said, 'Good evening'. He
didn’t answer. He was like a statue. The problem seemed
to be that he was very alike Swami and this was acting as
a wake-up call to my conscience. I came in and I told my
friend very nervously, 'The party is over'. We went, and
I told him what had happened. When we got to the street,
the security guard had disappeared. I tried to look for him
but I couldn’t find him. By the way, have you ever
seen a security guard with an afro?
On another occasion I had a
very serious inflammation in my throat. I could hardly eat
or drink anything. I called my doctor and she told me to
have nine injections. They were antibiotics. Nothing happened
and the pain was only growing. I went to the altar and prayed
to Swami to heal me.
I talked to Him for a long time,
asking for His assistance. That same night I dreamt of Swami. I
was at darshan and He was walking as usual. Suddenly, He came close
to me and told me, “Take an anti-allergic”. He told
me this in my ear as if it were a secret. I woke up immediately,
but I waited till morning to call the doctor. I asked her, “Don’t
you think it’s a good idea to try an anti-allergic?” I
didn’t mention the dream. She agreed and so they gave me
the new injection at 7:30 am . At 11:00 am , I could swallow and
the pain had almost gone. I am so grateful to Swami.”
It is really fascinating how people
from countries located thousands of miles away from Puttaparthi
feel His presence and love. The lord resides in Puttaparthi, only
physically but His cosmic form is there everywhere and the way
He operates is awe-inspiring.
