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Chinese New Year Celebrations
12-13 February 2008

Bhagawan has given approval for the Chinese New Year celebration to be held on 12-13 February 2008 in Prasanthi Nilayam.

All are invited to participate. Participating countries are asked to email a list of proposed participants by 10 January to the Chinese New Year Coordinator:

billyfong999 at

You can liaise directly with the accommodations office in Prasanthi Nilayam to reserve accommodation, but it would be better to go through the Coordinator listed above.

Here is a flyer that gives some details on the celebration and information on registration. This flyer suggests that devotees wanting to participate contact an administrator for this celebration in their country by 31 December. Due to the late notice, we hope that the administrators can allow a few days more, since the country administrator doesn't have to get in the information until 10 January.

Here is a form for each country to use to prepare a list of participants from that country. Please note that the deadline for submitting this form to accommodations or to Billy Fong is 10 January; we suggest that you inform devotees in your country to let you know a few days earlier.

We apologize for the short notice.