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Sathya Sai Baba
Discourses in 2005

23 Nov. (Birthday) Realise your innate divinity to attain peace.   html   pdf

22 Nov. (Convocation) Truth and righteousness are the foundation of true education.   html   pdf

19 Nov. Ladies Day) Develop the spirit of Oneness.   html   pdf

22 Oct. (Children's Festval of Joy) Cultivate sathwic qualities right from childhood.   html   pdf

11 Oct. (Dasara) Vision of the Divine.   html   pdf

10 Oct. (Dasara) Education without educare is inadequate.   html   pdf

09 Oct. (Dasara) Purity of the heart is true sadhana.   html   pdf

08 Oct. (Dasara) With courage and purity, realise Divinity.   html   pdf

07 Oct. (Dasara) The Indweller is God Himself.   html   pdf

03 Sep. (Medical Conference) Eschew body attachment.   html   pdf

17 Aug. (Educare Conference) Unity, purity, divinity.   html   pdf

21 July. (Guru Purnima) Everything depends on God's Grace.   html   pdf

23 May. (Budha Purnima) Develop a spirit of Oneness.   html   pdf

06 May. (Eswaramma Day) ) Win the love of your mother to win love of God.   html   pdf

18 April. (Rama Navami) Ramayana --a sacred way of life.   html   pdf

13 April. (Seva Dal Conference) Love is God, God is Love, Live in Love.   html   pdf

11 April. (Seva Dal Conference) Understand the spirit of service.   html   pdf

09 April. (Ugadi) Love and Unity --your true and eternal property.   html   pdf

16 March. Humility and Character are the Hallmark of Education.   html   pdf

09 March. (Sivararathri) All are bound by the law of karma.   html   pdf

08 March evening. (Sivararathri) You are all Amrutaputras --Sons of Immortality.   html   pdf

08 March morning. (Sivararathri) Experience the all-pervading divine consciousness.   html   pdf

24 February. (Installation of Vice Chancellor) Untitled.   html   pdf

10 February. (Beema Ratha Santhi) Elders are a source of wisdom and strength.   html   pdf

14 January. (Sankranthi) Your true nature is bliss --realise it.   html   pdf