SSE Initiative: H.E.L.P – Heal The Environment – Love The Planet

Children from around the world were invited to take part in the Serve the Planet (STP) initiative under the theme Protect the Planet by practising ‘Ceiling on Desires’, through reducing food wastage, conserving water and reducing plastic waste at home, in school, within Sri Sathya Sai centres and the wider communities. Read below about the project which was undertaken by almost 750 children, from 23 Countries, 72 Sri Sathya Sai Centres and 3 Sri Sathya Sai Schools, and follow the links at the end to see the wonderful entries they sent in.

Read the full report

There are four components in the term ‘Ceiling on Desires’. They are, respectively; curb on excessive talk, curb on excessive desires and expenditure, control of consumption of food, and check on waste of energy. Man needs some essential commodities for his sustenance and he should not aspire for more.

We can learn a lesson in this respect from Nature. Only if air is available in sufficient quantity will it be comfortable and good. If it is excessive and there is a gale you will feel uncomfortable. When you are thirsty; you can consume only a limited quantity of water. You can't consume the entire water of the Ganga! We take only as much as is needed for the sustenance of the body.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 16, Ch 3, January 19, 1983

The STP Subcommittee is very pleased to share the following contents with all:

  • A wonderful video showcasing the highlights of the STP SSE Initiative for inspiring everyone to continue to H.E.L.P.: ‘Heal the Environment – Love the Planet’.
  • An educational resource to view and download the children’s entries (provided below) in order to watch full length videos, read essays/poems and view images of children's drawings, paintings, 3D models, and service activities.

Go Green Conference Exhibition

A snapshot of the colourful artwork created by the children was displayed at the Go Green Conference Exhibition


The Exhibition included a digital display encompassing a selection of the 200+ entries of videos, poems, essays and poster submissions highlighting the children's:

  • Understanding of the STP topics for 2017–2018: Plastic, Water, Food and Energy
  • Practice of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s ‘Ceiling on Desires’ programme as a personal sadhana
  • Participation in service activities undertaken at home, within the Sri Sathya Sai Centre and community

Green Hub Speakers

On the evening of Day 1 of the Go Green Conference, two young SSE students spoke at the Exhibition ‘Green Hub’ space about their innovations. The full length talks are available within the video folder below.


To recognise the children’s wonderful work and participation in the STP H.E.L.P. Initiative, each child and group who lovingly sent in a submission were awarded a ‘Certificate of Recognition’.


The STP Subcommittee expresses a heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported the H.E.L.P. Initiative and encouraged participation within their Centres and Countries. We aim to create additional resources and projects for children and would be pleased to hear from interested SSSIO members, Sri Sathya Sai Young Adults, students and teachers in order to shape these ideas. If you are interested to assist the STP Subcommittee, please get in touch with us via:

Other Details


  • Pencil colours, felt tip pens, crayons, paint and other tools including 3D material can be used on the poster
  • All text written on the poster must be easy to read, with an English translation included
  • A clear scanned copy or photograph of your poster will need to be uploaded 
  • Posters to be on A4 or A3 sized paper


  • Where possible take high resolution image
  • Ensure permissions are obtained for people to be photographed 


  • Essays can be in any language, but please include an English translation. Essays should be no more than two pages long (approximately 1,008 words) 
  • All work must be original and not copied from another source without accurate references
  • We request all submissions to be typed on the computer and saved in a word document for upload, so it is easy to read, format and share
  • Use ‘Sri Sathya Sai Baba’ in full for any reference to Him in the essay 


  • Videos can be in any language with English subtitles or an English translation can be provided separately
  • Video length to be between 1–-4 minutes
  • Voices of children must be audible and clear to understand with no noise in the background
  • Take videos in landscape, rather than portrait
  • Ensure permissions are obtained and people featured in the video are happy for the video to be shared

Terms and Conditions

  • Personal information submitted on behalf of the children will be stored according to the data protection act and will not be shared with third parties. 
  • Material uploaded will be used for the purpose for which it is being collected, that is, as part of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSSIO) Young Adult STP 2017 Project. 
  • Images and written content may be used online or printed for the sole purpose of sharing the STP 2017 – PTP initiative within the SSSIO and as part of the work of the Public Outreach Committee.
  • Deadline for all submissions is November 23, 2017.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Serve the Planet team at

H.E.L.P. Entries