Sri Sathya Sai Baba is known as a world teacher. Not only did he teach and inspire millions of people on the spiritual path, he was the founder of primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions that bear his name to this day. He also addressed the importance of true education in hundreds of discourses. True education encompasses traditional secular education subjects as well as fostering realization of one’s true self. True education brings the human values integral to one’s humanity, truth, right conduct, peace, love and nonviolence into action in one’s life. Sri Sathya Sai Speaks on Education is a compilation of his teachings on many different aspects of education. Compiled by a team of Sri Sathya Sai Education teachers from the USA in 2001, the entries in this collection include Sai Baba’s explanations and advice on numerous aspects of teaching, organizing and operating schools, and, most importantly, advice to students. For his teachings on education from the year 2000 onwards, please see The Supreme End of Education on this site at

Here follows the full content of Sri Sathya Sai Speaks on Education, and a download link for this treasure of Sri Sai Baba’s teachings on education.


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