You are viewing the old website of the Sathya Sai International Organisation. Use the following link to go to the homepage of the new website.



  1. See an extremely short clip from the one-hour film Pure Love (179K), by courtesy of the author.

  2. Download a longer clip from Pure Love (3.6MB).

  3. See Sathya Sai Baba materialize a necklace (3.7MB), with music.

  4. See Sathya Sai Baba materialize vhibuthi (5.1MB), with music.

  5. See and hear Sathya Sai Baba singing "Govinda Krishna Jai" (45.6MB), with music.

  6. See Swami materialize the lingam, Shivarathri, 4 March 2000 (2.8MB).

The movies taken from Pure Love (numbers 1 and 2) are courtesy of the author of the movie and courtesy of the Spanish Sai Organization --the movie was taken from their web site.

The movies of Swami materializing a necklace, Swami materializing vhibuthi, and Swami singing "Govinda Krishna Jai" (numbers 3, 4, and 5) are courtesy of the Lithuanian Sai Organization --the movie was taken from their web site.

In order to play these movies you will need the following (or the equivalent):

QuickTime and MoviePlayer, downloadable for free from Apple for your operating system: Mac, Windows