This day, Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Christ, resolve to lead the lives of loving service to the weak, the helpless, the distressed, the disconsolate. Cultivate tolerance and forbearance, charity and magnanimity. Hold dear the ideals He laid down and practice them, in your daily lives.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol.11 Ch.54


This year’s theme for Christmas is “Live in Love” - a reminder of the love we should develop and share with the world and the positive change that will manifest.

Celebrate the Birth of Jesus

Sri Sathya Sai Baba encouraged all to celebrate the birth of Jesus, indicating that the great teachers belong to all mankind. He urged that the best way to celebrate this day is to adhere to His teachings, be loyal to the principles, to practice the disciplines, and to experience awareness of the divine which He sought to arouse.

Every year on Christmas Day at Prasanthi Nilayam, Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave a discourse on the message of Christmas, honoring the life and love of Jesus and urging all to experience the unity and power of love.

The Power of the Love of Sai

Throughout His discourses, Sri Sathya Sai Baba frequently referred to the power of love and to the power inherent in the yearning for unity and oneness.

In this gathering, people from many countries, speaking many languages, belonging to many races, are present. They are all single-mindedly united in love for Sai and in love from Sai, in spite of differences in nationality, race, creed, colour and dress. This is my real task. This is the consummation of the yearnings of the ancient seers and sages of this land. Develop this Oneness, this Unity in love, hold it ever before you as the ideal.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 14 Ch. 55, November 19, 1980

Both Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Jesus Christ taught that the pathway to attain God is through love. Christmas is the time when we can immerse ourselves in these teachings and give thanks for the gift of life and blessings of the divine teachings manifested through Jesus.

Christmas 2020 Program

(All times are Pacific Standard Time - California Time)

Session 1: December 24, 2020 Session 2: December 25, 2020

7:30 PM - Prelude

8:30 AM - Prelude

8:00 PM - Welcome and Opening Prayers

9:00 AM - Welcome and Opening Prayers

Lighting of Christmas Candle

Offering of Christmas Cake

Divine Discourse - Part 1

Divine Discourse - Part 4

Sarva Dharma Choir - Part 1

Sarva Dharma Choir - Part 2

Inaugural Address - Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, SSSIO

Inaugural Address - Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, SSSIO

International Christmas Choir - Part 1

Carols by Young Adults from Around the World - Part 2

Guest Speaker: Mr. Peter Phipps, SSSIO New Zealand

Guest Speaker: Ms. Raksha Mahtani, SSSIO Spain

Carols by Young Adults from Around the World - Part 1

International Christmas Choir - Part 2

Divine Discourse - Part 2

Divine Discourse - Part 5

Memories of Past Christmases in the Divine Presence - Part 1

SSE Drama: Issa - A Christmas Story

Spanish and Portuguese "Villancicos" - Part 1

Address by Jan Floris, Chairman, Christmas Committee

SSE Drama: Messengers of Sai

Spanish and Portuguese "Villancicos" - Part 2

SSE Program: Good Tidings - Part 1

Memories of Past Christmases in the Divine Presence - Part 2

Musical Offerings during Christmases in the Divine Presence

SSE Program: Good Tidings - Part 2

Vote of Thanks and Closing Remarks

Vote of Thanks and Closing Remarks

Divine Discourse - Part 3

Divine Discourse - Part 6

10:00 PM - Arathi and Closing Prayers

11:00 AM - Arathi and Closing Prayers